9. Travelling

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It has been three days since my engagement ceremony and I still feel very tired because as soon as engagement ended we all started with the preparations for marriage. I am constantly talking with beauty and fashion parlour both.

And on top of all this work is super packed these days too. I have to appoint a manager and explain everything so that he can manage the firm from here in Delhi and I can properly work on the one in Bangalore

"Miss, but I selected this design" he said and I shook my head. I have been trying to make this guy understand that not every design is suitable for every area for the past hour.

"Sir, it won't sit well with the environment and other stuff around your area and it's not a design that we proposed" I said showing him the designs that we proposed according to his needs

"But I like this one" he said in a loud tone and I rolled my eyes

"I can't make a pinterest design in your area. It won't go well with everything else around there" I said but he just looked more irritated. Yeah, he us the one who should be getting irritated right now

"But the builder said he can make it" he said in a shouting tone and I gave him a glare

"He sure can but I don't think he has an architecture degree and he has any idea and thought about the environment and you" I said and he shook his head

"This is why I told my wife we should have just got everything done from the builder. You women just know how to mooch money of people" he said and I released a breath and clenched my fists stopping myself from punching him right in the face

"You can for sure go to the builder and have this design but don't come here when your house looks like an idiocracy as compared with the others in the neighborhood" I said in a clipped tone which only seemed to anger him

"I knew the builder was a better option. He was cheaper and more efficient than you" he said and took the design that he bought from my table and put it back in his bag

"I saw the budget of your builder and I will very happily inform you that he was using the cheapest material available in the market and I can show you ten cases going on against that builder for making hazardous buildings" I said and saw his expressions change from angry to thinking

"Fine, we will choose from these" he said and tried taking the designs from my table

"Nope, I am not giving these to you." I said and kept my designs back in the folder

"What? Why?" He asked and I shrugged

"Because I am a women and I like mooching money off people" I said and signaled an intern to take him out of my office


I reach the airport and get out with my small suitcase. I am visiting Arjun in Bangalore for two days to look for sone office spaces and his house. He said that he has a plain and boring kind of interior so if I wanted to get some changes done.

I denied ofcourse but it is actually a nice idea to spend some days together before marriage even though they are for work but still it would be a good time to know each other. It's why I am going on the weekend so he can properly give all his time to me.

I sit in the plane and message both mummy papa and Arjun that my plane is about to take off. Mummy and Papa reply with a call them as I land and Arjun replies with a I will be waiting for you and wink emoji. I blush at his reply and turn my phone to airplane mode

I take a nap on my whole ride over as it was the best idea and anyways Arjun and I are going to have a busy day today. We have to look through five office spaces which he shortlisted for me. They all are fairly close to his house as he said.

I collect my luggage and look around just then my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID and see it is Arjun only

"Hello" I said answering the call

"Your plane has landed" he asked but it felt like a statement more so. I nodded my head still trying to get out from the pool of people inside slightly dragging my luggage

"Yes, I am coming out only" I said as I saw the exit of the airport and started heading towards there

"Ok, I will wait outside for you. I am standing next to my car" he said and told me the number and model of his car before disconnecting the call.

I exit the airport and look around for him and I find his car parked in a corner near a tree. I move towards the soon see him standing leaning on his car looking at his phone.

"Hello" I said reaching very slowly towards him to give him a scare

"Hi" he looked up and gave me a breathtaking smile with his deep voice.

"You didn't even flinch" I said disappointed with his lack of reaction towards my scare and he chuckled

"I will for sure flinch the next time" he said and took my luggage from me before keeping it on the back seat. He opened the door to the passenger seat and I sat there giving him a polite smile.

He took a round around the car and sat on the driver seat. We then took off outside the airport road to the proper Bangalore.

"Do you want to eat something first or" he asked glancing at me while driving and I shook my head

"I am not very hungry. Are you?" I asked and he shook his head this time

"Not at the moment" he said and I nodded my head looking at him. I observed his clothes properly and he was dressed in casual wear a t-shirt and jeans and was looking very handsome.

"So we can go to the house or the office spaces" he suggested and I nodded my head

"Sure, if you don't mind I would first like to go through the office spaces" I said and he shook his head

"Why would I mind?" He asked and I shrugged

"Then let's go" he said and we sat silently afterwards listening to music and conversing a little here and there in between.

We soon reached the first office space and he parked his car outside. The space was in a building which had all kinds of IT and management office buildings.

"I don't like the space a lot but the building is nice and it will have more clients" Arjun said as we climbed the stairs of the building and I nodded my head.

We entered the first space but I didn't like it a lot as it was a lot smaller than my expectations and we soon moved to another one which was just in the next to next building of the first one.

The second space was nice and open but it would require a lot more renovation to make it suitable for my use.

"We can see just one more today and I will show you the other two spaces tomorrow" Arjun said as we again sat in his car to leave for the third place and I nodded my head

"But let me tell you I like the two spaces that I am going to show you tomorrow much more than these" he said and I nodded my head and turned to look at him

"Then why didn't you start with them" I asked raising my eyebrows slightly

"Because I generally save best for the last" he said and I smiled as we reached the third space. The third space looked more like an apartment than an office space.


The last chapter for today

I will see you all with another chapter on Tuesday now

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