-battle familia prologue- Kamen Rider Century: Raid of Daimon

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koda: so.....have you ever though about going on a vacation?

ryunosuke: sometimes, not much

koda: hmmm

ryunosuke: hey...who are your parents

koda: thats for me to know and for you to find out

ryunosuke: man you really try to keep things hidden

koda: eh, I don't like sharing my backstory....

ryunosuke: come on, one day you got to reveal it

koda: nope, never will

ryunosuke: not even who your dad is?]

koda: nah

ryunosuke:....is it hiromi?

koda: no

ryunosuke:...is your mom sakura

koda: it's not aunt sakura

ryunosuke: aunt sakura huh?

koda: damn it

ryunosuke: I have figured it out, your dad is daiji


ryunosuke: I KNEW IT!


ryunosuke: anyway, I was wondering, the isle delfino is opening up to outsiders, and I won 2 tickets, I don't really have many people to ask so maybe you would like to come with? just two dudes chillaxing on the beach

koda: sure, I don't see anything bad happening from this

suddenly an explosion goes off

koda: what was that?

ryunosuke: I don't know, but we better take a look at it

the two run out, getting on their respective bikes and drive to the scene of the explosion


koda: what the hell happened here?

ryunosuke: who ever came here....they wanted to make it red

koda looks around and investigate

koda:......this is the land of the ghost of molly mcgee, a reletivly new show on disney.......seems the main character somehow got away, thats good.....


a ball of ki narrowly misses ryunosuke

ryunosuke: WOAH!

???: seems I missed, guess this hidden plan isn't working

3 shadowy figures jump off from a cliff

???: DYSPO!

???2: TOPPO!


dyspo and toppo: PRIDE TROOPERS!

jiren:...I will not

dyspo; come on we worked on this

toppo: remember jiren, trust helps in justice, you want to get strong enough to beat goku one day?

jiren:....pride troopers

toppo: we're here to collect something for jiren

koda: and what would that be

jiren: your equipment, your driver and vistamp, I decided I will take down kamen rider revi using his equipment

koda: well then....

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