Fox and the Devil

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a/n: it's not geats, I have no plans for a geats book, in fact, I might not even do geats, unless I come up with a good idea, till then, no geats, I will let you guys know if I plan to do geats, also this chapter will be released for the story this is being a backdoor pilot to

--chapter start--

y/n:....jesus, I'm really hungry

vice: welp, nothing I can do

y/n: I hope hana is ok

vice; I'm sure she's fine


vice continues walking, ignoring everything he sees, but then he sees a man wearing a fox mask



vice: hi-


??? tried to attack vice


???: sure, that what they all say

??? crouches down and slams his fist together, then placing one finger on his right fist


??? grows a tail and vanishes

vice:....that was easy

suddenly, vice was structed with a barrage of attacks

vice: ok thats it! HENSHIN!

ReVice Driver: Vice Up! Gattsuri! Nottori! Kuronuri! Kamen Rider Revice! Vice! Vice! Vice!

???: huh?

??? stops in his tracks

???: your not a grimm?

revice: OF COURSE I'M NOT! I'm Kamen Rider revice!

???: kamen rider? never heard of them

revice: well here I am, in the flesh

???:...perfect, then you can help my with my exam!

revice: exam? hang on, how about a name

???:......the names y/n

revice: eh?! but-

y/n: come on

revice:....t-the vistamp is stuck, SHIT!

y/n: I said come on

y/n drags revice towards a forrest


george: yes....yes...YES! THE BLUEPRINTS ARE DONE!

daiji: george

george: hello daiji, wassup bro

daiji: I'm not your bro, what are you working on

george: my solution to our rolling vistamp problem, as well as an upgrade, behold, the blueprints for thunder gale

daiji: thunder gale?

george: the speed of lightning and control of the wind, thunder gale will turn revice into ReVice

daiji:....t-there the same thing

george: the readers will understand the difference

daiji:.....I'm moving out with tamaki, we have a location on where vice is

george: alrighty then

daiji walks out of georges lab, george looks around to see no one looking, he then pulls up 4 tabs

Devil in a slime world (Kamen rider ReVice x ttigraas)Where stories live. Discover now