Spinoff: Kamen Rider Century: Birth of Chimera

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???: we're choosing him?

???2: his father was a kamen rider

???: so, we're making the great grandson of KAMEN RIDER ICHIGOU Aka hongo takeshi, to the past and try to turn him into a rider to assist a rider from the year 2075

???2: we're sending him back to find karizaki-sama. grab the chimera driver, and help kamen rider century fend off against ji-

???3: heh, century, I remember my dad telling me about him


???3: please, you don't need to act so formal, just call me koda

???2: are you ready for this, you'll be sent to the time when your dad was still a rider, and in said world

koda: I know, and I will succeed in my goal, just count on me

koda enters the time machine, two scientist activate the time machine and send koda back in time

koda: onee-san, mama-san, I'm gonna prevent the threat

koda turns into pure energy and vanishes

264 W.P. inc presents

We cut to a house in the middle of nowhere, inside the house a man with brown hair and a snake style shirt is eating some curry all by himself

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We cut to a house in the middle of nowhere, inside the house a man with brown hair and a snake style shirt is eating some curry all by himself

ryunosuke: sigh, another dinner all alone, wish I had a friend, someone like jaune, daiji, or miyoki, I need a partner rider

ryunosuke takes his plate and walks over to the sink and starts washing his dish, he then walks over to his bed and sleeps

the next day

in a vast field, a bunch of small thunderbolts strike each other and form a sphere, from the sphere koda appears

koda: now, to find the driver, gotta find Uncle George

koda runs off to the distance, running towards a forest

koda: lets see here, the marked location issss......this way

koda continues to run through the forest, looking for the goblin village, but what he ended up running to was a house in the middle of the forest

koda: this is a...weird place for a lab but, my dad did say uncle george was crazy

koda walks up to the door, and knocks on it to the beat of green hill zone, the door opens

ryunosuke: hello?

koda: hey, I'm looking for a george karizaki

ryunosuke: well, he isn't here, only me, alone.....with no one

koda: ....well, thats very sad....welp, bye then

ryunosuke: WAIT!

koda: what?

Devil in a slime world (Kamen rider ReVice x ttigraas)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt