nine: the elephant in the room

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Jordan and Juan are in the warrior's practice facility to get some shots up before practice starts. What Sydney admitted to the other night has been on their minds heavily. She was moving around the apartment like nothing had happened bothered them badly. Juan was more chill about it, but as for Jordan, he was stressing out on the inside. He is confused about why but thinks it is due to his feelings for Syd and Juan admitting to liking her. 

When Juan told me he had feelings for Sydney, I wanted to cave his chest in. He's my best friend on the team and knows how I feel about her. We haven't talked about what she said the other night, and I think we should see where each other's head is at. I don't mind sharing if I get to have Sydney. Being in a three-way relationship has not crossed my mind, but that is a possibility that a polygamous relationship can occur. Of course, it's not legal in California, but I think that's more of a marriage aspect. I'll go to war if it comes down to her choosing one of us. I think I'm a better fit. Plus, Juan's love life has been a mess majority of the time, and I don't want Sydney going through that. Based on what I have seen, maybe Juan has changed a little. He knows if he were ever to hurt her emotionally and mentally, and I don't think he would put his hands on her; I myself would beat his ass. 

My hands release the ball, and I wince, watching another shot not go inside the net. 

"You alright, Poole."

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind now."

I look over to Steph, contemplating whether or not I should express my issues to him. He is a cool dude, but he is also very religious. I know he wouldn't judge me, Syd, and Juan, but the fear of judgment remains. 

"It's just complicated."

He stared at me, trying to find the proper answer, but that was interrupted when some of the guys came running into the gym. 

"We'll talk about this later."

I take his words lightly before going into a huddle so we can start practice. 

Today was a pretty chill day at work. I had no meetings, so I just stayed in my pajamas. I also ran out of my ADHD medication, and my refill won't be ready until the end of the week. I'm glad that I wasn't as busy today, but my meds help me focus when I do other tasks that don't involve work. I hear keys getting placed in the door and a basketball bouncing. I immediately get up because they know better than to bounce a ball on my good floors. Jordan sat at the kitchen island drinking his smoothie while Juan was trying to find something to eat in the fridge. 

I swiftly take the ball out of his hands and place it on the rack near the door. I try to walk past Jordan, but he grabs my wrist, pulling me back toward him. He stares into my eyes as if he knows something is wrong. 

"Go in my bathroom and look on the second shelf of the medicine cabinet." 

Following his orders, I saw that he kept the stash of medicine I had that would save me until I got my next refill. 

"Baby, you gotta stop doing that."

"I know."

"Did you have a lot to do today at work?"

"Not really. That's why me not taking it did not bother me as much."

He nods his head and then places a kiss on my forehead, smoothing down my hair. 

"How was practice?"

"It was good."

"Just good," I raise my eyebrows. 

"Alright, I lied...I was missing a lot of my shots."

I hop on the counter and open my arms. He immediately lays his body on me, and I massage the back of his neck. Jordan is like my big baby, so I try to give him words of affirmation to make him feel better and boost his confidence. 

polyandry • jordan poole & juan toscano-andersonWhere stories live. Discover now