16. Chaos 🫂

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"A mere prime minister's son will become the principle husband of Aneri. It was a privilege for you that Mummy was including you. But you-" Helios was stopped by the stunning blow from Zyglavis.

"At least I am the firstborn, and you think you can monopolise her. Your father can't monopolise Momma; only an idiot could even think about that. Fuck you-"

"What did you say? She is mine. Only mine." Helios was kicking him furiously on to Zyglavis' stomach.

"Only in your dreams." Zyglavis swung a bat at Helios.

Oh no, that will bleed him. I ran in between them. But before I could intervene, somebody took the blow.


"Ouch! Ah!" In front of me was the shiny black-haired boy, whose chocolate brown eyes were just perfection. He was in extreme pain.

"Dev!" I screamed. Oh my God! He is bleeding! So much!

"Thales! Thales! Help him!" I started to sob uncontrollably.

"Yes Miss!"

**********after some time*************

Dev received three stitches on his right forehead and was resting in my room. Papa was giving medication, while Daddy and Thales were staring daggers at Helios and Zyglavis. Yenna is now trying to cool down the situation.
"Well, boys will be boys! But seriously, you two should control your anger."

"Mrs. President, I think the incident is way beyond your "boys will be boys" stage. I think both of them need some therapy." Daddy made the snarky comment.

"He just ran into us! That's why he's hurt. Why are we responsible!"

 "I think somebody just swung the bat, for which anybody could be injured." Papa snarled in.

"Well, one of the responsibilities of a servant is to protect his master!" Zyglavis  retaliated.

Before my parents can push some sense into him, Yenna just neutralises it by stating she will educate the boys about it and gets them to apologise with her death glare at them. But we all know that these two entitled beings did not feel sorry for what they did.

"Well, I will just bid farewell to you guys. I will come back for the discussion; we will have it some other time." "Now if you'll excuse us... come children, it's time to go home." Yenna walked over with her minions, and Dev tried to get up as well.

Somewhere down the line, I was restless for him to go with them.

"Daddy, Papa; Please, I think Dev should rest today in our place. See, how much blood he lost!" I begged them with my starry-eye act.

"Well, we should not trouble them; I think he should go." Daddy Klien dismissed it.

"Daddy stop! Papa, you say, please he is hurt. How can you, as a doctor, make him go away?" I turned my emotional gaze towards Doc. Wei. Please don't disappoint me!

 Before the magic could work, Idiot Helio chimed in, "Yes, I will stay. It will also be good for Aneri to have a slumber party."

"No! Not you. I want peace, and with you it is not possible. Plus, only the injured will stay. You out!" I spueed.


"Don't be rude." Papa reasoned himself in. "I do suggest the kid stay a few days under my supervision. I wish Madam Yenna would understand."

"I will do as the doctor suggests."

"Mommy, I am going to stay." ~Helio

"Me too." ~Zyglavis

"OK, I will stay as well."~Yug

"Why stay at your fiance's house, you dog?"~Helio

"Well, you two are screaming like she is your fiancee." Yug scowled.

"Yes, she is!" ~Helio

"Yes, she is mine too!"~Zyglavis

And with that, their battle went on. But that was not on my mind. What was on my mind was a mixture of foul words and confused senses.

Wth? I am Helio's fiancée; when did that happen? 

"Papa, what are they talking about?" I asked hurriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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