ch. 2 | storm.

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episode one, pilot – part two.

The next day the whole circle had gathered in what they considered their headquarters. It was an abandoned house located outside the city center in the middle of a totally empty field. Adam, Nick and Irys found her – she will always remember that day.

It was afternoon at the hour when the sun began to set when they got there. They were fifteen and had the idea of exploring the abandoned places of the suburbs in their heads. When they saw the house in the distance they couldn't help but go inside and find out what was inside. It was then that it became their headquarters, it was the perfect place to learn to practice the magic of their ancestors.

All of them, except Diana who was about to arrive, were on the first one where they had arranged everything needed for their study.

As soon as she arrived, Irys had occupied a brown leather sofa, first throwing her bag on it, then lying on her stomach and crossing her legs – finding that comfortable position to read. She paid no attention to anyone else except Faye and Nick. The only reason she raised her head a little was to fix a few tufts of her long, straight hair behind her ear.

Diana soon entered with a guest following close behind. But even then Irys didn't raise But even then Irys didn't raise her head from the book she was reading.

"Finally" Faye said as she stranded up from her spot on the hammock.

At that point Irys raised her head and could not help but be surprised to see that Cassie was there. Everyone's attention turned to her.

"Hey, neighbor."

Nick called the blonde's attention, making her look up where he was. As he climbed down the ladder, he introduced himself.

"I'm Nick. Also known as the guy in the window" he said while Irys, Melissa and Chris joined him.

"And I'm Chris. Also known as the guy you have already met."

Adam came too, saying "hi" and then Cassie's eyes widened as she looked around totally confused.

"Okay. What are all of you doing here? What's going on?"

"We want to explain" Adam stated.

"I didn't want to tell you like this, but I didn't have a choice-" Diana began before getting cut off by Faye.

"She has a right to know."

"Know what?" Cassie asked but the Chamberlain girl just looked at her with a wicked gaze, turning it to Diana.

She hesitated. "Who you are."

"Okay. This is getting really weird. I-" Cassie stepped back, bumping into Nick and Irys.

"Watch it, Barbie" Irys glared at her while Nick just gave her a look.

"Hey," Adam recalled her, "You don't have to be scared."

"Somebody tell me what's going on."

"Look, Cassie, I know this is going to sound crazy, okay, but that fire yesterday..." Diana said, "I don't know how to say this. Um... we're different. You're different."

Irys rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear the speech "you are different and blah blah blah". The easiest way was to just tell her.

"Oh, for God's sake, spit it out" she complained as Faye walked up to Cassie to finish it once for all.

"You're a witch. You're a full blooded hundred percent witch. We all are." She looked back to Diana and Adam, "There. Done."

"Thank you, Fays" Irys mimed with her lips as Cassie's mouth fell open in shock.

ICHTACA , j. armstrong | the secret circleWhere stories live. Discover now