"Not bad," he replies. He turns around to face the table behind you guys, grinning at the guys sitting there. He falls into conversation with them, ignoring you completely.

After a couple minutes, you clear your throat. "Should we...should we discuss the project?" you ask.

He turns back around. "Oh yeah, sorry. Maybe we could do a terrarium or something. Grow some plants."

"That's a good idea," you say.

"Come over this weekend," he says. "We can work on it then. Here, give me your phone. I'll give you my number so I can text you my address."

You hand over your phone, in complete disbelief that this is happening. When he gives it back to you, you give him a shaky smile. He shoots you a grin, a twinkle in his beautiful c/e/c eyes.

Then he turns back around to talk to his friends.

Class is over sooner than you'd like, and as soon as you step outside of the classroom, b/f/n runs up to you, practically squealing.

"How did it go? What'd you guys talk about?" she asks on your guys' walk home.

You relay the entire thing to her. "It wasn't much, but at least we talked."

"And you're going to his house this weekend," she emphasizes.

"I know." You bring a hand to your face. "What do I wear?"

"I'll choose," b/f/n says. She grabs your hand and begins to drag you forward. "Let's go to your house."

The next day at school, you're walking through the halls when you spot a couple of c/n's friends. They come over to you, smiling devilishly.

"We're jealous of c/n," one says. "We wanted to work with you."

You smile, feeling a little flattered. "Oh wow-thank you," you say sincerely.

"I mean, you're such a nerd you're probably going to do the entire project. C/n won't have to lift a finger," his friend finishes.

Your smile drops. "W-what?"

"What's your name again?" one of his other friends asks. "Also, do you do anything other than be a teacher's pet?"

To your dismay, tears come to your eyes. You don't say anything, just watch his friends smirk at you. Finally, you say, "Um-I have to go."

You whirl around and hurry down the hallway, eager to make it to the cafeteria. You sit down next to b/f/n and tell her everything, trying not to cry.

"Just ignore them," she says, squeezing your shoulder. "They share one braincell between the lot of them. Speaking is difficult for them, so sometimes they say stupid things like that."

Despite your sadness, you can't help but laugh. The two of you eat, then head to AP Biology.

When you sit down next to c/n, he narrows his eyes at you. "You look like you were crying," he says. 

"Just allergies," you lie.

He shakes his head. "Classic excuse. What happened?"

As if you would believe me, you think. But you just smile. "Nothing. Just did bad on a quiz earlier."

"Oh. Okay." C/n still doesn't look like he believes you, but he shrugs and faces his friends again. The same friends that cornered you in the hallway earlier.

You spend the period sitting quietly while c/n chats. Finally, the bell rings, and you walk home, dejected.

Tomorrow comes. Saturday. You're supposed to be at c/n's house at noon. He texted you his address earlier that morning, and you start to change.

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