Chapter 25(shes mine)

Começar do início

"I wasn't jealous." He said. I giggled.

"Whatever dixon." I opened the door and Carl immediately ran up to me.

"Can we go now?" I nodded my head.

"Okay Carl, I'm ganna drive to a place about an hour away from here, that gives us two hours to get supplies, then an hour to get back." Carl rolled his eyes.

"Why do we only have four hours?" I shrugged and nodded towards rick,

"oh c'mon dad!" Carl pleaded,

"no Carl, four hours at the most, but I'll give Jenna half an hour leeway incase there's trouble." Rick handed Carl a watch,

"be back by three okay?" Carl nodded and hugged his dad. I gave rick a slight nod before heading out, rick followed us outside.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He whispered.

"Don't worry about it, I'll still look after Carl." I pointed towards the car that Carl was already sitting shotgun in. Rick gave me a small hug then went back inside, then Daryl came outside.

"Daryl I have to.." But he pressed his lips against mine. I felt butterflies as he pulled away,

"please come back." He almost asked.I smiled and nodded.

Once I pulled up to a small building me and Carl walked over to the big boarded up double doors, "okay Carl, I want you to hit the window three times." He nodded and did so.

No walkers came towards us. I shrugged and opened the doors, I walked in first then Carl followed me.

Holy shit there was food and supplies everywhere. "Carl, grab as much as you can." He smiled and then a look of horror came over his face, "what's wrong buddy." I asked then heard a deep voice talk from behind me.

"She's mine." I instantly tensed up, I remembered that I left the keys in the car, I looked towards the car then at Carl. I guess he got the hint because he rushed for the door, the man went to run after him but I hit him with the butt of my gun. The man whipped backwards and smacked me across the face.

I heard the car start and a small piece of relief rushed over me. Carl actually showed me this place so he will know how to get back to the prison safe.

Once I saw the little green car pull away the large man turned back to me, "well you're a pretty one aren't you?" He took a step towards me and I took a step back.

He took another small step towards me but a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders, I tensed up and turned my head. "She'll do just fine." The man said in a gruff voice.

I didn't know what was going to happen, were they going to kill me? Kidnap me? Rape me? I had no idea. I didn't have any time to think either because the butt of a gun hit me in the back of my head, knocking me out.

Carl POV
As soon as I saw the prison gate I sped up, almost running into them. Dad ran up and hugged me while Daryl towered over me.

"Where the fuck is Jenna?" I cleared my throat.

"We got to this store, and there was a lot of food there. She told me to grab as much as I could when I man walked up behind her and said that she's his now. She motioned for me to leave so I did, I can bring you there if you want?" Daryl grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pushed me into the backseat of the car, my dad got in the front as I buckled my seat belt.

I started leading them to where the store was. I couldn't stop thinking about how I just left, what if they kill her? Or what if they torture her to see where the camp is? What if they rape her? That was a shitty thing for me to do, I just left, I was so scared.

I know she would have been mad if I had stayed though, plus I wouldn't have been able to bring the group here to find her again. I hope she's alive.

When Daryl eventually speeds up in front of the building I said "stop, this is the place." Daryl slams on the breaks and runs out, not even bothering to close the car door.

All the food is gone, oh no.

We all search around for awhile. "Carl!" I hear my dad yell. "I thought you said this place was filled with food, it looks deserted." He crosses his arms and Daryl walks up behind him.

"This is the place, I promise." We all took one last look around and my dad finds a note.

"Daryl come here." He calls and Daryl is almost immediately by his side. The note reads

- if you even want to see your bitch again, I want all of your weapons, food and supplies. We will be back here tomorrow morning. I have people and weapons so don't try anything. She's pretty, we might just have fun with her first.

I thought Daryl was going to explode, his face was bright red. "Let's go." He growled and neither me nor my dad argued, we just got in the car and drove back to the prison.

Before I fallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora