fun times...can i go home, now?!

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Alivia’s POV

Once we made it back to Evie’s castle in the two hours discussed I saw the rest of our friends waiting outside.

“Ben!” Mal says running over and hugging Ben tightly as we all reunited with our respective groups.

“I always knew you’d be part of the solution.” Ben smiles brightly at Uriah as Hazel sits on one of the tables, as her hair is still in flames.

“I can’t wait to get all of this out of the way.” Carlos says as he wraps his arms around my shoulders which makes me giggle.

“Same. It’s a thing called sleep.” Alivia says as Carlos kisses her cheek and Liv blushes.

“Same.” Carlos says as Jay interrupts yet again.

“I hate to interrupt whatever that was, but we have to deal with this stuff first.” Jay says.

“Okay, so we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We have no idea where it is.” Mal starts. “Liv, do you know where it is?”

“Of course she knows where it is, that’s where her mom hid from your mother.” Uriah says putting her hair in a ponytail as it was getting into her face.

“Yeah I do.” Liv says ignoring what Uriah just said as it would be kind of obvious that she knows where the Fairy Cottage is.

“Doug! Go with Evie, Gil and Celia.” Mal says giving us our groups. “While I go with the rest of them.”

“Sounds like a fancy plan, Miss Queen.” Hazel says, making Mal slowly nod her head.

“Because you’re Queen, whatever.” Uriah says.

“Be careful, okay?” Liv called out to the other half of the group.

“We will.” Evie and Doug shout in unison.

The rest of the group made their way towards Fairy Cottage with Ben leading the way. Liv clasped Carlos’ hand making sure to keep him close because of her sister’s lurking.

Jay kicked the door to the cottage open and immediately ran upstairs trying to find something.

“Come on Dude.” Carlos calls out to his wandering dog.

“She’s not upstairs.” Jay announces as he makes his way back downstairs with everyone else. 

“Well, that’s a shame.” Liv says sarcastically as Carlos tries not to smile at her joke about her sister as he actually does find her jokes hilarious even if it’s the right timing or not. It’s called being comedic for a reason, people.

They heard a loud thud coming from what looked like a locked closet which made Liv jump and Carlos holding her arm tightly protecting her from whatever is in the closet. 

“Ben go do something! Please.” Liv says scared as Jay gives her a look. “What I said please.” 

Ben pushed the wooden bar off the door and opened it cautiously. Revealing the one and only Chad Charming curled into a fetal position on the dirty floor.

ᴹʸ ᴴᵃᵛᵉⁿ ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang