7. You want this power, then come try and take it...

701 15 0

The Magic Knights present were either shocked, scared, or angry. It was rather understandable as Vergil struck down a member of House Silva.

Vergil: "Hmph, scum."

Vergil walked over to Noelle and offered protection against her vile siblings.

Vergil: "If one of those fools decide to sully you, I shall correct them. Regardless of their status."

Noelle: "T-Thank you, Vice Captain V! I should've treated you so harshly back at the festival, I'm sorry."

Vergil: "It's fine, it's all in the past. Also, just call me V for short, I'm no person of formality."

Noelle: "Oh right, V, I'll make sure to call you that for now on!"

Vergil: "Very well, I shall go..."

???: "How dare you strike down royalty!"

Vergil: "Oh? And just who are you?"

???: "Alecdora Sandler, the one who will take revenge for Solid Silva!"

Vergil: "Fool, you don't even know what that arrogant man child has done. He kept sullying his little sister and even threaten her, do you think she's in the right?"

Alecdora: "Y-You! Sand Creation Magic: Sand Armored Guard!"

The ground shakes with sand drawn out of the cracks of the colosseum ground. As the sand draws out, it shapes into a knight-like figure made out of sand and attempts to grab Vergil.

Vergil: "You're wasting my time..."

Vergil was about to unsheathe his Yamato until the Wizard King himself intervene.

Julius: "Time Magic: Chrono-Stasis!"

Alecdora was held in place with the Chrono-Stasis, all except for Vergil who quickly trick dodged backwards at the last moment.

Julius: "It appears that you two have a dispute going on, let's think this through and be civilized."

In the background, Solid was being carried on a stretcher by mages and was taken to somewhere else for medical treatment.

Vergil: "You're right, but it's justified. He came at me with the intent to harm me."

Julius: "How about Solid?"

Vergil: "He was harassing my squad member, it's the job of a Vice Captain to take care of their squad members and keep them away from harm."

Julius: "Hm, well I can't really say you're right, but you're not wrong either."

Vergil: "If it makes you better, I'll show you more of my extensive abilities I hold in the Royal Knight Exam."

Julius: *excited* "Wait really V, that's awesome!"

Vergil: *Sighs* "Yes..."

Thoughts - Everyone (-Vergil & Julius): ("It was that easy?!?")

Julius: *calms down* I apologize everyone! I should prepare to start the Royal Knight Exam."

Julius quickly got rid of the Chrono-Stasis bubble that caged Alecdora and teleported right by to King Augustus on the edge of the top of the colosseum.

King Augustus: *clears his throat* I shall explain the details of the exam. I am royalty, and this is a Royal Knights Selection Exam, after all."

King Augustus: "The Magic Knights present will be in a team competition; a magic crystal destruction battle tournament! Protect your team's crystal, which will be placed in your area, and destroy the other team's crystal. The first team to do this wins!"

Julius: "Pardon me, but I would like to mention each team of different squads must work together.

Thoughts - King Augustus: ("He took the best part!")

Julius: "This way, everyone will have to work around with their teammates from different squads and create battle tactics that will work with your teammates. Just remember, not everything can be solved with just brute force. Use your mind, and use it to help your team win."

King Augustus: "P-Percisely..."

King Augustus: "And now let's present the teams!"

Thoughts - Vergil: ("It appears that I'm on the same team as Noelle, interesting.")

???: "Oh, my bad! I'm a little late!"

The red crimson haired man jumped down to where Julius is and places his arm around his neck.

???: "But I bet our great Wizard King will forgive me for being a tiny bit late."

The red crimson haired man stared over the crowd of Magic Knights and announced his name.

???: "I'm Xerx Lügner. It's a pleasure."

???: "Man I just helped an old lady earlier on! Isn't that great?"

Marx *prepares to use his magic* "Step away, cur!"

"Xerx" dodged the incoming attack spell by jumping down to the ground of the colosseum.

Asta: "Hey! What are you doing to the Wizard King!"

Julius: "Now, now. Calm down, everyone."

Julius laughed after his statement but concern was on Marx's face.

Marx: "Sir! This is no laughing matter!"

"Xerx": "Well, I guess we're on the same team."

"Xerx" proceeds to attempt to greet Asta but had a small smelly surprise.

Asta: "Ahhhhh! Are you actually trying to get along with me?"

Asta proceeded to have an argument with "Xerx" which ended with "Xerx" explaining he's here to poke fun with the Magic Knights.

Julius: "Now now, we're all Magic Knights here."

King Augustus: "Hey what about me?"

(Small cut to the teams together)

Thoughts - Yuno: ("So I'm with the noisy little girl who's always with Asta. And there's the Vice Captain of the Black Bulls, I don't know much about him. But he might be a good ally to have.")

Vergil: "Well then, I think we can all get along well can't we?"

Yuno: "Maybe..."

Spacial Magic Mage: "Right this way."

Vergil: "It seems we must go, let's all head to the portal."

Yuno and Noelle followed Vergil into the portal made with spacial magic.

Asta: "This is the stage for the crystal destruction tournament?!? It's huge!"

Julius: "The battlefield has a wide range of different areas. Use them to your advantage!"

Julius stood underneath the bracket of the matchups.

Julius: "And here's the tournament chart, which we determined by lottery in advance."

Thoughts - Noelle: ("So I'm facing Solid's team off the bat?")

Thoughts - Vergil: ("Solid Silva, an opponent I can crush.")

The other teams discussed their current situations and planned strategies to take down the enemy.

Thoughts - Vergil: *smirks* ("They will not forget this devil's power...")

(To be continued, "chapter 8: True Power" coming soon!)

Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter, and I apologize if it's shorter than usual. I was on a time crunch.

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