Chapter 8: Tony's Story

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 Tony and Peter sat on the gray couch in the living room. Peter was a bit anxious but hid it well. Tony looked at Peter. Then, he started his story.

"So, there was this guy. And he was mad. Crazy. He used T.A.H.I.T.I. and brought me back to life."

"Wait. What's T.A.H.I.T.I?"

You've heard of Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D., right?" Peter nodded his head. "Loki killed him, but Fury wanted him back. So, he decided to create T.A.H.I.T.I. which basically consists of alien blood, brain stuff, and other medical things I'm too lazy to understand."

"Wait. If you said it had alien blood, are you an alien?"

"No, I got a modified version."

"Are you sure? You're starting to look like Mr. Thor."


"Nevermind. Your Ego's even bigger." Tony just looked at Peter. He couldn't believe he had said that. Tony would get him back. Later. Now wasn't the time.

"Alright. Fine. I guess we're playing like that," Tony said, getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Since I made an inedible breakfast, I'm getting you some bugs to eat." Peter stared at Tony with a blank expression. "It sounded better in my head."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Stark. Anyway," Peter started, as he got up, "I should go."


"I have to find a job."


"My landlord."

"No need. You're staying here."

"Uh, Mr. Stark—"

"No buts. You're staying. I'm not letting you go back to the bar. Or your landlord in that case. Not happening. We'll get your stuff later. We need to discuss a plan."


"So I can kill the wizard and that goblin guy." Again, Peter stared at Tony. Confused. Very, very confused. A bit proud too.  


So I finally published these two chapters after a few days/weeks/idk. I thought I would just give an update. 

1. No clue where this is going. 

2. I need help.

3. Too much work from school.

4. Too many tests and quizzes. 

5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @DiggerDog15 

I obviously planned to publish these chapters on their(not saying pronouns bc idk if they want me to) birthday because they pushed me into publishing them. Thank you so much for this btw. 

I'll update the books when I can.

- Winter

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