Chapter 5: The Meet

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Tony walked through the busy streets of Queens looking for the library. He didn't want to use the internet in his house because it could risk someone finding out he was alive. Tony faintly remembered where the Queens library was, so it was just a matter of time till he found it.

Peter got off the bus. He had seen posters looking for people to hire when he went on patrol, so he decided to look there for work. Peter went into many places to find a job, but they all turned him down. "It's probably because of my age," Peter thought. Regardless, Peter felt down. He decided that he would go to the library for some studying. He may be a highschool dropout and Spiderman, but he still needed to learn somehow. Peter started to walk to the Queens library.

Tony sat sighing at a computer screen. He had searched the entire internet for Peter and all he could find was an actor. Everything on Spiderman was gone too. Tony was so close to throwing hands and the librarian there didn't make it better. She kept telling Tony that getting some fresh air was good for him. "What would be good, is if I found Peter," Tony had thought, while the lady was walking away. "If Peter actually works at that bar, there might be some hope to find him." With that thought, Tony decided to leave the library and go to the bar that night. However, he didn't realize that Peter was walking into the library.

As he walked into the library, the smell of books filled the air. Peter internally smiled. The library always reminded him of Ned; all those times that they spent locked in the library because they wanted to see if the librarian slept there. As Peter reflected on those memories, he didn't realize the person walking his way.

"Excuse me," the man said, "You're blocking the entrance." Peter realized he was standing in front of the door. However, his mind was on something else. The man sounded oddly familiar. "Like Mr. Stark..."

"Right. Sorry," Peter said, moving to the side. "Can I ask you something?"

"If it is something about the library, then you don't want to ask me. I don't live here," Tony told the kid. He was really confused though. The kid in front of him sounded like Peter.

"Yeah, I know," the kid started. He inhaled deeply and said, "Mr. Stark." Tony looked at the boy in utter shock. It sounded like Peter but unlike the day before, he hadn't believed it was him.

"Underoos?" Peter looked at Tony and fought back tears. "Kid, what happened? And don't think about leaving like you did yesterday."

"Maybe we should go someplace else," Peter said, motioning to the people staring at them.

"Right, but don't think about leaving," Tony said, as he followed Peter outside. Tony knew that something was wrong; even from the first meeting where Peter fled.

"So, what is going on?," Tony asked, as soon as he and Peter were in a public park far from everyone.

"You're alive."

"Yes, I know that and I'll get to it. But tell me what happened to you." Tony was extremely stubborn. A bit mad too. After all, Peter ran without any explanation last time.

"You're alive," Peter said again.

"I just went over this. Yes, I'm alive and I'll get to it, but you go first." Peter looked at Tony. His emotions that he bottled up were starting to overwhelm him. Suddenly, Peter broke down and fell to the ground crying.

"Woah, kid," Tony said, getting down to the grassy floor. He had expected a bit of crying, but this was full on crying. Tony knew this wasn't just because of him. Something else happened. "What happened?"

"M-m-ma-y," Peter hiccuped, "D-d-ead-d." Tony looked at the crying kid next to him.He put his hand on Peter's back and pulled him into a hug right there in the grass. Tony didn't care that people were staring. All he cared about was this kid; his kid.

"How?" Tony knew these questions were hard, but he needed to know who hurt his kid.

"E-e-every-o-one f-for-g-get," Peter choked out.

"Who? Who did everyone forget?" Tony asked.

"M-me," Peter told him. Tony was enraged. How could people forget about Peter? Even that girl, M.J.! And his best friend, Ned! "Guess I might be committing a felony soon," Tony thought. "No one hurts my kid and gets away with it."


So I'm not sure if I like this. To me, it gives 2019 gacha life stories. If you have ideas, please tell me because I'm running out. Idk why, but ever since I started writing, I've been losing inspiration. 

Anyway, I'm publishing this on new years eve/day. So,


- Winter

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