Chapter 3: Kid?

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"Girl problems?" Tony asked. The bartender turned around to face Tony.

"Something like that," he said. "So what can I get started for you sir?" Tony was confused. The bartender sounded like Peter. Tony was really confused. Thinking that the kid might have fallen off track a bit, he took a chance.

"Can I have a scotch, Spiderman?" Tony asked.

"What?" Now Peter was confused. Tony looked around. Then he took off his hat revealing his face.

"Mr. Stark?"

"Kid," Tony was shocked. In a hushed voice, he said, "What are you doing here? Why is everyone afraid of you? Why are you working in a bar?"

"No. You aren't real," Peter thought this was a joke. "You are dead. I saw you die." Peter's voice rose.

"That's a long story," Tony said, motioning him to be quiet. "But why weren't you at your house? And why couldn't I find your lovely aunt?"

"I'm sorry," Peter said. "My shift is up. I'll find someone else to get your drink." Peter started walking away, his heart racing.

"Peter! Wait!" Tony yelled after him. The rest of the people in the bar looked at Tony, but they were too drunk to realize who he was. Peter was already in the back getting his stuff. Tony got out of the bar and ran to the side. There he saw Peter fling himself across the street.

"Peter!" Tony shouted. "Please! Can we just talk!" Peter was already too far to hear him. He didn't even want to hear him.

As he flung across the street to his apartment, he thought about Tony. "He is dead. I saw him die. But that was him. So is he alive? No. Get this out of your head Peter. Mr. Stark is dead." As Peter thought about Tony and what he had seen, he thought of Aunt May. Ned. MJ. Happy. Everyone he had known. Everyone forgot him. Peter stopped swinging and dropped into an alleyway.

"Peter." Tony thought. "I will see you again." Tony decided to go find a place to stay for the night. He was going to go to a hotel, but people might have noticed him. Knowing this, he went to one of his extra houses in Queens. He had bought it in case he ever needed to check on Peter.

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