Chapter 2: Peter

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As Peter walked down the stairs of his run-down apartment, Tony was out searching for him. Peter was hurrying to his job. He worked in a bar while trying to stop crime as a vigilante that everyone was afraid of.

"Oi! Where is your rent?" a man shouted. It was his landlord. "You're two months late. Pay this week, or you are out. Understand?"

"But sir-," Peter started.

"This week or you're gone." The landlord left. "More work for me," Peter thought. He walked out the door and kept walking until he reached Sandy's.

"Finally," A voice said. "Tonight is one of the biggest nights and you can't mess this up."

"Yes Rich," Peter said.

"Its boss, Pete," Rich replied. "Get to work."

Peter went to the back of the bar and put on his name badge, Pete Parker. He was already wearing the appropriate attire for a bartender, so he didn't have to change. Peter started working at a bar to earn money and Sandy's was Tony's favorite bar so he decided to work there. As he went to the front of the bar, he saw what Rich meant. The bar was packed with people. "This is going to be a long night." Peter got started with making drinks.

"I'll have a martini," a girl said.

"Make it two," a man appeared next to her. He slapped money on the table.

"Alright," Peter got out the shaker and ingredients. "That's two martini's coming up." Peter worked throughout the night making drinks and cleaning tables. He also got a lot of tips but it wouldn't be enough to pay his rent. Peter sighed. It was almost midnight and most of the people had left. His coworker Sandra came up to him.

"I heard that Cam hooked up with Rich just to get back at Brian." she told him.

"Yeah great," Peter wasn't paying attention. A man just walked into the bar wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, and a Queen's hat. He thought that the man looked like someone he knew.

"Hello," Sandra waved her hand in front of Peter's face. "Did you hear me? If Cam is with Rich now, then Brian is up for grabs."

"Yeah that's great."

"Ugh. You aren't even listening to me." Sandra left. Peter finally turned around only to see that she had left.

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