A Murder At College🌗☀️

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College here now😀
☀️Don't ask and I'm ready to write another book🌙

The murder:

I was just walking around the college I had a gun with me in my pocket I was looking for a person named "sundrop" people say he is like the sun and he is a happy and funn- someone stepped on my tail "ow watch it basterd!" "You watch it!!" This gator said I smelled that he was drunk and since guilt. of "drunk bitch." I walked where you can get your room key "hello you must be new am I right?" "Yea." I said ima deep tone "your room is room- you already have a ro-" I pulled out my gun and shot her in the head. It was loud too and everyone heard that from there droms.. "i should have stabbed her! Ima go to my ro-" never mind someone is out here and it that sun guy!


It was currently 12pm and me and moon were just cuddling moon was asleep and I was just there watching tv since I was not tired at that time I was not drunk since I drank water or moon just gave me water I was just watching The Amazing World Of Gumball since I love that show when I heard a gunshot I decided to t up but moon hand was on my waist and his legs too "Moony can you please move your hands and legs?" He groaned and moved his hands and legs "be fast I want more cuddles.." moon said in a tired tone "I will.. hu- I mean Moony.." I went to go to the closet and put on moons sweater. He won't mind if I put it on? He won't mind? I put on moons sweater and went outside to see what was the gunshot about I opened the door and saw a random person in black clothes I heard a door open next to me it was kia oh thank goodness "sun what's wrong and I can't find brinda!" "Was she or he with you?" "No brinda was not in her bed?!" "Wait she is a girl?" "Yeah did she not tell you?" "No?!" We both head walking towards us we heard singing or like humming it got louder and louder "hide I think they are blind!" I nodded and went inside my drom room.

The murder:

I was just humming my daycare music
"🎵Hm Hm Hm Hmm Hmm Hm Hmm Hmm"
"It's a beautiful day lights off it's a beautiful night🎵 Hm Hm Hmm Hmm Hm Hmm🎵"
"🎵Hm Hmm Hm..🎵"
"🎵It's a dark scary night🎵"
"🎵Hm Hmm Hm..🎵"
"🎵hmm hm Hmm~"
"🎵GO-Good Ni-Night Su-Sundrop~🎵"
I said in a devilish look and smile


I ran to moondrop I tried to wake him up but he just dragged me into to bed and started to cuddle with me "m-mo-" he put a hand onto cover my mouth i gussied he heard what means Kia were saying "shh it's coming so sleep with me.." I heard him say that made me calm down just a bit I felt tired to and I fell asleep with no aware.

The murder:

I went into Kia's room to see if she is asleep and she was knocked out I knocked her out with my gun "sleep well kia~" I left her room and went to room 108.
I just went through the door and saw sun and moon sleeping I went to see if they are I smelled that they were sleeping and I could see if they are. I sat down on the bed I heard a growl I can tell who it came from it was moon he growled at me I scoffed at him "sleep well sun~ have little nightmares~" I said to the sleeping yellow animatronic and the blue and purple animatronic that was cuddling him "sleep well moon I hope you can deal with another person in your head~ witch it me~ have fun~"

The funniest thing ever is that I'm just a virus and I hope he won't notice anything about me~ well I should go it's 1am in the morning bye bye!

Can you guys guess who it is?
And also incoming charters!:

Words count 711

☀️An old school bully🌙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang