The Party

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College here now😀
☀️Don't ask and I'm ready to write another book🌙


Me and sun never got along we literally started to fight over the bathroom. It was like 2-3 times I think I really don't know but he is so annoying I beat him up once and I won and he just hit be with a damn book it hurts a bit but not that much I don't care until Monty came to our door "open open!!" I got up from my chair and went to the door "hel- Monty?! Sup!" "Sup dude and also there is a party being hosted in the 208 and 059 aka 590! It's across room 208 I don't know why but it is, You wanna come?" "Hell yeah wait who will be blamed for it though because you know how that ended up for all of us.. in school!" He looks at me confused and remember "oh yeah and that freak with ears a devil tail and a crown I think is going to be blamed I don't know what the fuck it is but she agreed I think it's a girl..?" (It has no gender. MONTY?.) I looked at him confused in a weird way is it that subject?"animatronic or a human" "dude I don't fucking know!" "And when is that party?" "At 10pm at night!" "And also they weird thing looks like you hit redish blueish hat and different cloths like stars but red and a hit blue but I don't care see you at the party!" "See you too!" I closed the door and I heard him walk away and sun is still sleeping ima wake him up.


I felt someone moving me and woke me up "huh- who woke me up..." I said in a tired voice "me dumbass!" I growled "language..." "yeah yeah and you wanna come to the part at 10pm in door 208 and 059/590." "Uhm sure if there is no drugs there..-" "no there is not" "okay I'm going then... now let me sleep.." "okay sleep I tell you when it's time.." I nodded and I fell asleep again.


I saw sun go back to sleep and I felt something weird like I wanna kill but I felt like I wanted to protect him at the same time it's almost that make him fall for me...
Do I have a crush? Do I love him? Do I have to love him dose he lo-? When I was about to finish my thought sun woke up "morning moony.!" Moony? I strongly blushed until sun put his head on my shoulder. I was about to get off of the bed but never mind "moon..?" "Y-yes?.." "what time is it.." "it's 8:59 why..?" "Oh.. I was just wondering.." he said still in a tired voice "you should sleep.." he groaned and moved closer to me "I don't f-feel s..s..sleepy.." he fell asleep on my shoulder and fell on me and I fell on my back on the bed I started to blush a massive blue and I feel asleep too

2-2 hours

I woke up and looked at the time it was.. 9:59?!? I started to panic I looked at sun who was still asleep I got up and he noticed I was getting up "hmm-hm?" I kinda shook him to wake up "what moony.." "sun it's 10:02!" "Relax moony.. we still have time.." he said so I calmed down he got out of the bottom bunk bed..


I got out under the bunk bed and went to my closet I got out some cloths when I was about to change moon was looking "Pervert!" He blushed a massive blue "hey Look Away I'm changi-" he walked to me and grabbed my shirt and pants and put the aside on the floor and grabbed my hips and went to my non-ears and whispered "when the party is over be ready for me~" I blushed a soft orange
And I saw him smirk "cute.." "I-I'm not cute!" "Change I'll be waiting~" "f-okay!" I got my pants and my shirt and put it back on me and I went to moon and we headed out to the party

At the party

"Yo sun look dugs!.." I looked at him with pure anger "ima eat one." He said so I decided to explore all myself and I got lost 4 minutes later.
"Moony.?" I heard a faint growling I looked and saw a dog I think that what is was until I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked and it was moon!


When I was about to eat the drugs sun was gone of course he would be gone! Did he explore? Did he want to eat? Did he not like it..? Should I go look for him? Do it! No I don't want to! "Coward" i looked who said it and it was that test subject "hey have you seen sun?" "Yeah over there." It pointed to the area where this kid was about to kill him so I went over and taped on his shoulder he turned and looked happy to see me and hugged me "I miss you..!" He said in a sad face and tone
"m-me too.." "can we leave..?" "Yeah just a minute you wanna eat first?" He nodded and we went to the table and we found some food he tasted a bit of "orange juice" but it was vodka he is going to kill me- he drank the whole thing?! "Sun calm down!" "No....!." He tugged on the drink and we left.. "you really brought that all the way over here?.." I asked him he growled at me he can't even walk!! "Sun you can't walk.." he almost fell but I caught him "phew.." I heard a groan from him "sun let's go in our room we are almost there.." he nodded and I had to carry him the whole way

"There we are here.." I was going to search my pocket but the keys were in suns pocket crap!! I placed sun down on the floor and reached for his pocket and I got the keys I got up and opened the door I went to pick up sun and damn he is heavy I walked and carried the bi- over to his bed. I was going to walk away and close the door but I felt a huge tug on my pants like force to go back on the bed "stay.." I looked down to see sun.


I tried to pull moony back in the bed in with me but he said "first let me close the door and then I'll come and cuddle with you okay..?" "I-okay.." I saw him walk over to the door and closed it I saw him walking to me "back.. miss me?" "Yes..." "haha you are being so cute when your drunk..." I saw him blush and I blushed "you look cute~.." I blushed even more "aww! Cute~" he got on the bed and he went on my chest I felt him on me "hmm?!~" "what's wrong~" "nothing I j-just want to cuddle.." I heard a growl "fine..!" "Phew.. cuddle..?" "Fine but don't be horny and have sex with me~" "nooo I woo t sleep..!" He giggled im too drunk to for this shit he got off of me and went in bed with me and cuddled me till the next day.

Sorry if I took long with the story I was busy with another story if I did or mess something up I will go and fix it and words count 1297:)

☀️An old school bully🌙Where stories live. Discover now