Jay x Shelly 🍰 1

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Jay awoke from his sleep, groaning he rubbed sleep from his eyes. The sun gleaming down at him. Feeling a little moan he felt the extra weight of Shelly's head asleep on his chest whining from him moving. Bringing the hand holding her waits he strokes her hair lulling her back to sleep.

"Shh, go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you" Jay kisses her head running his hand through her locks. One of his favourite parts of mornings waking up to his wife still asleep since he always wakes up first at early ass times.

Turning his head he looked at the clock on the bed-side table


Jay debated weather or not he should let Shelly sleep a little more but they still need to get more decorations up for their now 5 year old son. His little boy is now 5, Jay still remembers the first time he held him his cute little face.

Jay smiled at the memory feeling a little kick. Bringing a hand down to Shelly's 6 month pregnant bump carrying their 3rd child.

"Morning Jina, do me a favour and let mama sleep more?" Another kick against his hand "I need to get ready first" Jay rubbed her stomach gently leaning up to lay Shelly's head on her pillow. He quietly laughed noticing the drool on her chin, grabbing the blanket his wipes it away.

"I'll be back soon"

Shuffling the blanket off him, Jay groans as he stretches his arms up making them pop.

After putting his glasses on he carefully opens the joined bathroom cringing as the door lightly squeaks. Glancing back he lets out a relieved breath - shelly didn't wake up.


Pulling up the blind Jay squints at the sun blinding him, unlatching the window handles to let air in light sheet of sweat coated his body. Making his way over to Shelly's side of the bed he places a hand on her shoulder rousing her from her sleep.

"Mhmmm jay~" Shelly complained clutching the blanket as she stretches out her legs

"Come on wake up. Tae-chul will be awake soon and we haven't finished decorating yet"

Jay tucks some loose hair behind her ear.

"Hmph fine."

Opening her eyes she blinks focusing on her husband leaning over her.

"Morning Jay. You look good" Shelly flirts putting a hand on her belly stroking it

Jay look slightly confused "Huh. . but I don't have a shirt on?"

Shelly laughed at him "Some things don't change"

Sitting up she carresses his cheek "That's the point, dummy" He flushes putting his hand ontop of hers "Well you also look good."

Shelly kisses his chapped lips, both seperate smiling.

"Go brush your teeth then we can go decorate" Jay instructs taking her hands into his to help her off the bed.


Shelly sings before dissapearing into the bathroom leaving a blushing Jay.


Blue and green decorations filled the living room with a pile of presents on the couch. Shelly tied back her hair feeling quite warm but it didn't really help much so she took of Jay's shirt she was wearing leaving her in her light blue sports bra and black joggers.

"Breakfast's ready Shell" Jay's voice came from the kitchen "Do you wan-"

Jay got cut off as a cheery high-pitch voice yelled from the stairs.

Jay smiled going off to the voice keaving Shelly to go off into the kitchen putting down the plates at everyones 'assinged' seats.

Holding onto the banister Jay saw his little 2 year old girl sat on the floor squirming around he hurried up running up the stairs.

Arriving to her she makes happy noises as her arms shoot up wanting 'uppies'

"Up! Daddy up!"

Like he could deny his little girl?

"Umph" He grunted bending down "Morning Rumi, did'ja sleep well?" He asked kissing her head she patted his shoulders excitedly giggling nodding at his question

"Wanna help me wake up Tae-chul?" He asked

She nodded resting her head against his bare shoulder "Yes daddy"

He smiles bouncing her lightly for a few seconds before taking them over to the door of his first born. Jay motions for Rumi to knock to let Tae know they're coming in.

"Come in!"

At the consent Jay twisted the door-knob smiling at his boy

"Happy birthday buddy" Jay ruffled his blonde hair noting the blush on his cheeks

"Happy birt'ay!'' Rumi yelled bouncing up and down thrusting her arms out for a hug which Tae did.

Jay smiled warmly at the pair, never would he of thought this would he his future. His two little ones hugged Tae moved his face so he could kiss her chubby cheek.

"Thank you Rumi" He thanked looking besides Jay frowing "Where's mummy?"

"She's in the kitchen setting out your birthday breakfast" The boy gasped taking Jay's hand into his dragging him down the hallway

"Le's go daddy!"

Jay followed behind letting himself get dragged around.



ae happily squealed when she stepper into the kitchen running over to wrap Shelly in a hug.

"Wow! This looks yummy, thanks mummy" Shelly kissed the top of his head stroking his hair

"You're welcome, sweetheart but daddy cooked the food"

Tae squeezed her one last time before turning to thank Jay.

"Well it is your birthday hm?" Jay settled Rumi into her high-chair

Shelly took her seat rubbing her stomach as Jina started kicking.

"Is Jiji kicking?!" Shelly nodder "Can I feel?"

"Of course"

Tae placed down his fork facing sideways in his chair putting two hands onto the belly he felt a kick against his palms gasping softly before looking into Shelly's eyes.

"Does it hurt?" He innocently asked

"No don't worry It's just like a bump" Shelly explained cupping his chin he looked over his shoulder at Jay to which he nodded, Shelly wasn't lying.

Going back to sit normally in the chair "Eat mummy you need to feed Jina!"

Jay and Shelly laughed at their little boy but listened to his demand.

"Daddy the toast is very yummy!"

Jay hummed scooping up a bit of scrambled egg for Rumi "Hmm, I'm glad"

After a few minutes of eating the boy took a big gulp of juice wiping his mouth clean, "When can I open my presents?"

Shelly swallowed the food she was eating "Remember you said you wanted to open mine and daddy's, Rumi's and Grandpas' the rest for your party when your friends are here"

Tae-chul sighed resting his jaw on his palm, "Uhh Okay mummy" He watched Rumi "Have you nearly finished?"

Rumi looked at him blankly before breaking out in giggles

"Don't worry you'll open them soon, tiger!"


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