just us and the view, nothing else

627 34 19

little by little

"are you sure this is one hundred percent legal?" donghyuck reeled his head back further into the rest as king slowly continued to speed up along the empty road, a wicked smile permanent on her face

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"are you sure this is one hundred percent legal?" donghyuck reeled his head back further into the rest as king slowly continued to speed up along the empty road, a wicked smile permanent on her face.

"nothings illegal if they can't catch you," she shrugged, keeping her eyes on the dark road that was illuminated by her lights. "nobody comes down this road at this time of night anyways. trust me, i know," she added, just in case he was actually worried about getting caught or you know... crashing.

"anyways, where i'm taking you is only pretty at a certain time. we've gotta get there quick," she took a moment to look at him, smiling before looking back at the road. "lighten up babe, you've been in my car multiple times. i'm a good driver," she pat his knee.

"i know you are, but you're going really fast and this is not a car you'd typically go so fast in," he muttered, clearing his throat as he sat up correctly. jing snorted, shaking her head.

she began to slow down, the song radio fading into the next. she rolled her eyes when she realized it was we go up, a song undoubtedly created by donghyucks band.

she didn't look at him, but she knew donghyuck was sporting a very smug look right now. she couldn't lie and say that some of 7DREAMS songs weren't on her playlist, but she wasn't going to just admit it.

"i've heard of this band before. they seem pretty cool, you like them?" he questioned with a teasing tone, turning to look at her with amusement written all over his face. "well i guess you clearly do if you've got them on your playlist," he spoke pridefully.

jing came to an abrupt stop, nearly throwing the male through the window. not literally, but he did lurch forward excessively as she stopped. "what the hell!?" he squealed, holding his hands on the dash to stabilize himself.

"we're here," she quipped, unbuckling her seatbelt and pulling the keys out before she exited the car. "you need a minute?" she leaned back into the door frame, quirking a brow at the younger.

"no... no, yeah i'm good," he stammered, unbuckling his seatbelt and exiting as well. "you brought me to a cliff? are you gonna murder me..?" he trailed off, stopping a long ways away from the edge of what seemed to be a cliff. it was all covered by a ton of trees, so it was hard to make out what went beyond it.

"will you just come on?" jing hissed, making her way through two of the trees. thankfully, haechan had offered a pair of doyeons red pajama pants so her legs weren't exposed to the cold. it made it easier for her to maneuver herself around the nature that surrounded them while continuously looking back to see if donghyuck had been following.

"we have to cross this, it shouldn't be too hard," jing announced when they finally made it in front of a small creek, she water flowing slowly and quietly, shining in the moonlight. donghyuck have a weary look, biting his lip.

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