23 • the end.

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"I'm scared for changbin and han" I say as we all walk to their house "same, after what happened in the amusement park uh uh" seungmin said

soon we arrived at their door and hyunjin knocked, soon their mom opened the door "hello dears! you must be looking for han and changbin?" we nod

"stay in the guest room for now, their father is in the room. hui will tell you guys when he leaves ok?" she smiles "ok ms seo" we say and follow her to the guest room

we wait in their for 30-45 minutes and hui hyung opens s the door "you guys can come now" he says and we go to the twins room

"hey" changbin says "what happened?" jeongin asks "scolding, arguing, hitting etc" han says laying on his bed

"you guys wanna go to a cafe to get our minds off of this mess" we nod then we walk to the near by cafe

"girl you don't wanna go that far" I say and han rolls his eyes "why not? he's cute" I chuckle as he simps over some actor

"damn twinnie, never seen u this obsessed with someone ever since ur last crush" changbin says and han hits him "That information was so unnecessary" the elder chuckles

we were talking about some random stuff until hyunjin suddenly speaks up "uh this is a bad time to say this but." we turn to him confused

"I'm going to be going to the us." "really? that's nice! when are you coming back?" han asked "that's the thing. I don't think I will" he said and the group fell silent "I have to go." I say and grab my stuff

"Felix-" that was the last thing I heard then I left. I walked back to the dorm with tears forming in my eyes 'he's just telling us now? that dipshit' I thought and wiped my tears as they kept falling

I started to sob and ran to the dorms, I arrived and closed the front door, I ran to the bedroom and slide my body on the door forcing it to close.

I sat there drowning in my own tears, I looked up to wipe it but I spotted a journal. or diary. it was hyunjin's

I know it was wrong to read someone else's diary but curiosity hit me. I took it and skipped to the most recent page.

dear diary,
today is august 15. I got a call that I have to move to the us forever. I didn't tell the others yet, the only reason that I don't want them to know is that felix will find out.

that's a whole situation I want to avoid. I'm planning to tell them a few days before my flight. I know that's wrong but I just don't have the guts to tell them now.

my flight is at September 15. I just Hope everything's goes well.

I closed the book. "September 15." I said and realized, I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the date and it read. September 14.

i dropped my phone, he'll be leaving in tomorrow. i felt my eyes water up and I stare at the floor

why did he just tell us sooner.? why did I have to deal with this now.

I thought to myself then I heard the front door open, I put the diary back to its place, stood up and laid on my bed curling up in a ball with a blanket over me

I stared at the ceiling infront of me and heard the bedroom door open softly "lix?" a soft voice said and I kept still

"felix im sorry for not telling u sooner, I just.. I just didn't know how to." I looked at him and stayed quiet "felix I'm so so sorry." he said

there was a awkward silence and he stood up "I'll be in the living room." then he left, I slowly sat up from my bed and cried quietly.

soon I realized that u have to let someone go, if it's ur family member, friend, relatives, or even love life. you'll always have to learn how to let someone go.

I wiped my tears and walked out of the room to the living room revealing a confused hyunjin.

"I can move on." I said and he sat up confused "I know I reacted in a way I didn't want too in the cafe today after u said u were moving away, it's just that. it was so unexpected but I can get used to the fact you're gone. you can live the life you've always wanted." I said and he walked towards me with a sad smile

"thank u lix." I smiled back and we hugged.

soon it was the next morning and we were at the airport. "well." he turned "I guess this is a goodbye." my eyes welled up in tears and I just held it in "I can believe ur going" changbin says and hyunjin pats him on the shoulder "I can't believe it too." he looked at me

he walked towards me and said "I guess this is a goodbye lix" the tears I held fell and I hugged him tight. "I'm going to miss u hyun." he chuckled and hugged me back "me too."

I realized taht would be our very last hug. we let go and he left. I stared as he walked away into the distance and that was the time I've ever saw him.

I can't believe this story has came to a end. it's been a emotional, happy ride. see y'all in the next one

collage roommates (hyunlix)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang