6 • ex-bf

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Felix pov
"earth to felix helloooo??? , yah felix stop daydreaming" yeji said waving her hand to my face , "s-sorry what?" "we are here now stop day dreaming we'll be late for class" the 3 of us went out of the car and went to class.

hyunjin and I went to class , minutes later the teacher came "good morning class , today we will be doing a project so everyone get in a group of 5 please!" me and hyunjin ofc were in the same grouo with 3 other boys - jisung , seungmin and jeongin , "so do we start??" i ask and they all nod , "class! this project will be due on 25!" so 3 weeks , the class ends and hyunjin and I go outside but we get stopped , "guys!! wanna sit together at lunch?" we nod and wave our goodbyes to go to class.

at lunch we meet up and talk for a while , jisung was super nice and he's birthday was a day before mine!!

sorry got a bit excited there , anyway we got really close. "you guys wanna work on the project today so for 3 weeks we can rest?" i suggest they all nod and the bell rings , i grab hyunjin's hand "we have to go see you guys later!!" and we walk to the class "wait!! Give us your numbers so we can contact you" seungmin says "sure mine is ######" "and mine is ######" hyunjin and I say and gives our numbers and go to class.

After school we all decided to do the project at our dorm at 4:00 then go to the amusement park after , hyunjin and I go to our dorms , i go to the bathroom and get ready.

i go out of the bathroom and go to the living room finding hyunjin on the couch sleeping.

Hyunjin pov
I wakes up to find felix next to him facing the tv , "what time is it?" I ask "3:10" he says eyes glued to the tv , i sit up and sit next to felix , i wrap my arm around his waist , rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes again , minutes later i felt a hand running through my hair and a hand on my cheek "geez he is pretty.." felix whispered and caressing his thumb on my cheek then his lips touch my cheek 'HOLY SHIT HE FUCKING KISSED ME AHH' i thought and move a bit then moving closer to the blonde , i felt his hand running through my hair again "i wish i could tell him.." he whispers putting his hand on my face caressing my cheek once again.

ofc i get curious but i didnt say anything then the doorbell rang , making me stand up straight looking sleepy , felix stood up and opened the door , "HEY BITCHES- oh looks like someone just woke up" jisung says "he looks like a baby" seungmin adds , i roll my eyes and we start on the project. "finally we are dOnE~" jeongin says laying on the floor "now you both get ready so we can leave" felix and I nod and get ready

what I wore :

what Felix wore :

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what Felix wore :

"HYUNJIN YOUR DRIVING" jisung yells 'great' I thought and we drove to the amusement park

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"HYUNJIN YOUR DRIVING" jisung yells 'great' I thought and we drove to the amusement park.

-time lapse-
"HEY HAN JISUNG GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" felix yelled chasing jisung "NEVERRRR" he yelled back , we were walking to a roller coaster then felix the clumsy ass he is bumped into someone "omg I am so sorry- felix?" "c-changbin?" there was a awkward silence then felix decided to break it , "I-it's nice to see you again Changbin hyung" "it's nice to see you to felix , wanna grab a drink?" felix shook his head "I am hanging out with my friend sorry" Changbin in mouthed a 'o' and left "who was that?" jeongin asked "E-Ex boyfriend" felix said "oh the yk" jisung says patting the younger's back "who?" seungmin says then jisung sighs "let's find a chair so I can explain" , we find a table and sit down


"ok then. his name is seo changbin Felix's ex , you see felix and I have been talking for a while and have been getting close these past few days"

"get to the point"

"ok ok , Changbin and felix dated for a while , they were in a good relationship but at school uhh Changbin pretended felix didn't exist but when they were alone Changbin acted like none of that happened, felix got tired of it and things got physical, Changbin threatened felix to stay with him so they broke up"

felix got emotional and started crying loudly , I got up , bent down and hugged him , he hugged back shaking "shh lix it's ok your safe now."

Felix stopped eventually "you ok lix?" felix nodded "you still wanna go on the rides?" I ask letting go of the hug "no no it's ok we can go" we nodded and walked to the rides


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