chapter 3: saved her

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"ji aap nhi soyenge"

Rakhi,Rana Thakur's wife asked to her husband,

Rana is keep walking back and forth in the room, while looking very stressed

She is confused,the person who gives others stress is now himself taking stress

"Mujhe kam hai"

He replied while not even looking at her then walk out from the room

She pouted at his behaviour,what happened with him

Maybe work pressure is making him like this,she thought

But poor her to think her husband is a saint

She doesn't know that her husband is getting restless to have another girl

Her husband is looking stressed just because that another girl's Mami didn't contact him back

Her husband is eagerly waiting for another girl to come to him

While Rana Thakur comes out from the room and dialled a number

And soon the call got received by none other than Khushi's Mami

As soon as she recieved the call,he bombard her with questions,like why she is still didn't came to his another staying place

",woh Kh.ushi khu.shi nhi mil rahi hai"

She said and there his eyes widen

"Kya matlab nhi mil rahi"

He growled on her

"Woh woh aa.j dope.her ke bus se ane wali thi,uski gaye bhi the call aneke bad, unhe woh nhi mili"

She said while hiccuping and sobbing

No she is not crying in the tension for Khushi but she is crying because Rana Thakur will not spare her now

"How dare you bitch,

I knew it,that photo maybe some edited photo right,

You fooled me by showing her,

You just wait,I will kidnape your daughter,and rape her brutally"

He shouted in anger,

She keeps saying that she didn't lied,Khushi really exist but he in anger throwed the mobile on the floor and the mobile immediately broke in multiple pieces

He start fuming in anger,how dare she fooled him

And is he that dumb that after seeing a picture he believed in her words

She definitely made a story and the Khushi character,just to freed her daughter from him

He in anger walked out from Thakur's haveli

Her smiling angelic face keeps coming to his vision

He in last after can't controlling his anger punched his car that the front glass broke down while his hand also got injured

He opens his car door and sit on it while his foot are still outside

His injured hand is hanging on air while blood is coming out from it

But this is not effecting him even a bit,

he is feeling like something got snatched from him,Even having everything his hands are empty

he stare at the sky,The sky is looking like rain will soon fall

Heavy lightening and thundering can be seen

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