the sleepover

13 1 0

Gon pov

After me and Killua gathered his stuff in ⏃ bag we headed to my house "Hey Killua ⟟ have ⏃ question." ⟟ said looking towards Killua "what's up?" Killua asked
"Nevermind it's not important." ⟟ said ⟟ couldn't just randomly say =Hey Killua do you like guys and if you do you love me?= "whatever by the way how much longer do we have to walk it's been for ever." Killua whined "just ⏃ minute of two till we are there!" ⟟ said

About ⏃ minute and ⏃ half we were at the house ⟟ unlocked the door with an extra key Aunt Mito gave me and opened the door and Killua And ⟟ walked into the house and took off our shoes and left them at the doorway.

Killua placed his bags on my bedroom floor as we both fell onto my bed. "Hey Killua wanna play truth or dare?" ⟟ said and tilted my head to look at the boy "isn't that ⏃ child's game plus we're not 10 anymore." Killua said while looking back at me "c'mon please it'll be fun ⟟ promise!" ⟟ promised him "fine." Killua agreed and sat up ⟟ did the same "okay Killua truth or dare!" ⟟ said "dare!" Killua challenged. "Okay ⟟ dare you-"

Heheheh cliff hanger sorry this chapter was short ⟟ normally do 300 words or more but ⟟ hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay safe:]

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