14 - Juliette

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Disclaimer: I am not 100% educated on the process of signing up for the Olympics. This is mostly of what I remember learning about years ago, so don't come after me if any of this information is incorrect. It's my story so idc.

Three weeks later:

The arrangements have been better than I expected. Ophelia has been in love with Theo and it has been slightly scary. Theo hasn't cared much about the hyper active three year old who has been attached to him at the hip at any possible moment.

I've been needing his help more often than I excepted since starting training. When I went for the tryouts the week after finding out, I was almost immediately accepted—not realizing it was the final stages of try outs.

Usually, their are weeks worth of stages that you have to go through before you reach the final—but returning or invited members don't have to go through that process. Instead, I and a few other skaters, had to show up at the last stage and prove we are still worthy of our old positions, getting some sort of seniority.

Some practices, Ophelia would show up with Theo for a few minutes—usually during my breaks. Theo has been the greatest help, and I can't lie and say it isn't nice having someone over almost every day.

I'm still so surprised how he found a way to work out the rough schedule with his boss, but informed me that his 24/7 tattoo shop allows him to late; past midnight. He always comes over with slight bags under his eyes, and has taken resident spot in my guest room as the room he sleeps in during Ophelia's nap times.

I told him he could come later in the day, picking Ophelia up from the rink during morning practices— but he consistently argues against it.

Tonight, I came home after my toughest day of practice, because we plan on spending the next week or so doing just press work—so we used this one practice to make up for the week of occupied time. My feet were blistered and swollen, practically begging to be freed from my skates, while my knees had excessive amounts of bruising on them from the amount of falls I taken.

Mid-practice, one of my friends had the bright idea to set me up on a blind date with one of her coworkers. I wanted to say no the second I saw the text during my water break, but thought I deserved a break from all the hard work I had been doing. Ophelia and Theo had plans to go to a drive in movie tonight, anyways.

I said yes after much contemplation, and now have to get ready. I'm not really sure what to wear—given I haven't been on a date in months now, too occupied by my toddler and job.

When I tried reaching out to Anna, the one who set up the whole arrangement, she was probably with her boyfriend which is why she didn't answer the phone. Then when I wanted to call Monique, I remembered she was on a red-eye flight to Los Angeles. Ilxia had an exam tomorrow—so my clothing troubles were the least of her worries.

It was a tough decision between two outfits. Anna told me he had dinner reservations to a very nice and fancy restaurant in the area, and I was informed to dress up nicely.

First choice; a red corset top with mesh puffed sleeves, and leather pants. Or, a black long sleeve bodycon dress that stopped at my mid thigh, with a trench, stockings, and knee high boots—all in the same dark contrast as the dress.

I was standing, half naked in just my panties and matching bra, with my favorite comfy robe on top—contemplating outfit choices. With no one to call, I dialed probably the worst person.

"Hey?" The deep voice answered within two rings.

"Can I interrupt you for two seconds?" I practically plea with the man on the other end of the line. Maybe it wasn't smart to call Theo of all people, but he's been on dates—I'm pretty sure, given how fucking beautiful of a specimen he was—he could probably give me advice on what to wear.

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