06 - Juliette

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Enjoy beauties

Ophelia jumped in my arms in almost an instant, abandoning her kids show that probably boosts my daily migraine everyday.

"Who's this?" She asks, after I was done giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"This is our new neighbor, he is staying the night if that's ok?" I wonder. I forgot to tell the neighbor that I had a daughter, which would probably have been a good idea before I offered my home to him.

"Does he like drawing?" She whispered, which makes me laugh.

He looked over at me confused, and Ophelia shy away slightly. "You would have to ask him," I explain to her, tilting my gaze to him.

"Do you like drawing sir?" She says politely.

The neighbor tenses up slightly, scratching the back of his neck. He has on a similar tight black shirt, not turtle neck, which peaks at his neck—showing the tattoos that surround his throat to the back of his neck. It was probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen. And now I'm starting to realize how whole hand has it, which probably means so does his arms.

"I am a tattoo artist, so I guess it is expected that I like drawing," he replies, unaware if that was the correct answer for my three year old. It makes me smile at how he is nervous around her cute bossy demeanor that he hasn't even seen at full throttle.

"Good," she says, nodding her head to him once, before turning back at me. "He is allowed to stay." I can't hold back the laugh the pops out when I see how cute and orderly she is.

"Philly do you want to introduce yourself sweetheart?" I ask, giving her a fringe smile. She puts out her hand, nodding at her loss of manners—she truly is like a grown man.

"My name is Ophelia sir," she declares, which makes me forget that she is just a kid. This child will be the death of me, reminding me of a old business man.

Mystery man takes her hand—having to use two fingers because of the size difference between the two. "Theo," he replies slowly.

When he begins to look around the place, I scrunch my nose at her—her mirroring the move—smiling because she was able to get his name for me.

"Philly how about you go watch your show, while I show our new friend around," I nod once, her copying me, letting her down while she ran back to the couch.

I showed him to the kitchen island, offering him a drink. "Water is fine," he requests, while I reach in the fridge for a water bottle. "So since I have to spend the night with you, do you mind telling me a little about yourself?" He questions, taking a small sip from the bottle.

"Treating this as a date I see? Personally, I don't find water as dinner, but sure, I've been on worse dates," I shrug which makes his face flush. He got to joke with me earlier, now it's my turn to make his pulse quicken like he did to me.

"I didn't mean it-" he begins but I cut him off with my hand.

"Shoot whatever questions you want to ask, but don't mind me—I'm making a snack for Ophelia," I explain, grabbing a panda shaped plate while he still is seated at the island.

"Job and age? I guess," he doesn't sound sure about his questions, fiddling with the water bottle in his hand.

"Professional figure skater, and I just turned twenty three," I tell him, back turned as I cut up grapes.

"Wow, are you any good?" He stumbles on words.

"Went to the Olympics when I was fifteen, tried qualifying when I was nineteen, but found out I was pregnant and got kicked off the team. So I think I am pretty good," I shrug, not looking at him.

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