08 - Juliette

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I always prefer to wake up to the sunlight instead of an alarm.

Thankfully, the forecast didn't call for rain or snow like it has been for the past couple days, so I got short rays of sunlight peering through the clouds. When I looked over at the stand by my bed, my clock read 7:48

Usually I'd wake up a little earlier, having Ophelia jumping in my room before 7. This time, there was no jumping, or knocking, or loud tv. The sense of calmness I was feeling disappeared immediately when I remembered the random man I let stay over.

Almost instantly I was the one jumping out of my bed, running to the living room/kitchen area—only to find the tv playing Ophelia's favorite show. She was sitting so peacefully, with a smile on her face, while Theo sat next to her—entranced in the show.

I clutched my beating heart, catching my breath. Never have I been so scared before, panicked in worry. "Good morning, sunshine," Theo says, looking over at me. "Do you always wear short to sleep?" He smirked, eyeing me up and down. I couldn't get another word out before I ran back in my room realizing my outfit choice.

I was in a red silk pajama set. Changing into my robe I had, I walked back out to go make breakfast realizing Ophelia was probably super hungry by now. "Good morning mommy!" Ophelia jumped up, finally greeting me.

When she came over to me, jumping in my arms. I picked her up, twirling her slightly—she was wearing this huge smile on her face like I've never seen before. It was impossible to not reflect the contagious action, wearing an equally big one.

"Good morning princess," I say, kissing the top of her head. These are the moments that make me the happiest, the ones I remember when I'm sad and feel like things in life aren't worth the effort, when I am sad about skating or a competition. She is my reminder.

Theo was standing now, eyeing my new outfit. It would be a little easier to handle the pressure if he wasn't so fucking handsome. Is it wrong to despise someone because they are gorgeous? And not in a jealous way. In a 'I wish you would stop making every part of my body pulse and heat when you walk into a room' type of way.

I set Ophelia down, letting her go back to her show. "Would you like coffee or tea?" I offer to Theo, who is moving away from the living room area, getting off the plush beige carpet he was earlier standing on.

"Coffee please," he practically pleas, plopping down on the island stool. He began to rub his temples, and I could see the slight dark creases under his eyes. His elbows were propped up on the marble, while his head was in his hands.

"Tired?" I grin, holding back my laughter.

He looks up at me for a second before going back to his hands. "Is every child always up so early? I mean I wake up early but damn, waking up and hanging out with a child is more draining than anything I've ever done."

I look over to the innocent doe eyed child who is at peace with her cartoons. "I've not had experience with other kids, but I'd say most of them like an early start to the day, I was surprised she wasn't jumping on my bed by 6:30." I laugh, brewing the pot of coffee, before throwing in a couple of Ego Waffles into the toaster.

Along with the waffles, I grabbed a couple pieces of fruit to add on the side. Washing the fruit, I took a glance at Theo who was paying the least attention to me. His arm was colored—which I don't recall him having earlier. The sleeve tattoos he had, all were colored in with bright neon pinks and purples, blues and greens.

It was almost impossible to hold my laughter back. "Did you let Ophelia draw on your arm?" It was too hard, staring at the way the flower was now drawn in with a red and pink mixture—the steam even being colored green for good measures.

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