His Orders (Darth Vader)

Start from the beginning

At the sound of that, Vader turned and peered directly into the officer's eyes, "Why was this not told to the Emperor? Why did you just wait until now to tell us?"

The officer coughed nervously and shuffled his feet, "I'm sorry, my Lord. Grand Admiral Thrawn is in charge of Lothal, and I assumed he would've told the two of you."

You shook your head and frowned, "Don't blame the Grand Admiral for your lapse in judgement. You are responsible for the other officers and Stormtroopers on Lothal— Admiral Thrawn doesn't have time to deal with you, so you should've taken initiative."

"I'm sorry, my Lord," he repeated, "I won't make that mistake again."

"If you do, officer, it'll be your last," Vader confirmed while staring down the blond man, "Now, tell us more about those Jedi."

The blond man gulped and nodded, "They're both young men, and seem very in touch with their abilities. I don't understand it, but they can control our minds with there's, and smash stuff with their minds as well. They have the same lightsabers as the two of you."

"What are their names, you idiot?" you asked harshly. Ever since Vader and yourself corrected the blond officer, his charisma disappeared.

"Our spies say their names are Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus. Jarrus is the master, while Bridger is the apprentice."

Vader turned to you and motioned for you to follow him, "Let's go and find the Jedi scum. I don't trust the incompetent officers on Lothal, so it's up to us."

You blushed immediately at that. You'd always been one to blush and get flustered very easily, and the fact that Vader complimented you by saying he only trusted you and himself to take care of this was such an honour.
Of course, Lord Vader noticed, and as he lead you out of the radio tower, he rubbed your arm. This caused your blush to intensify.

Lord Vader had never done anything like this before. Of course, he had shone you mercy when presented with the order to kill you all those years ago, and he had personally trained you into a powerful and clever Sith Lord, but he had never shone such affection before.
You liked this side of your master.

"Can you sense them?" he asked through his respirator, "I feel them watching us."

You closed your eyes and reached out with the force. There were so many life forms around that it was proving difficult to pinpoint specific ones. After a few moments of searching, you felt them. They were on the outskirts of the Lothal radio tower. It's hard to tell if they were here by coincidence, or if they had originally planned to try and take the radio tower today.
Unfortunate timing.

You looked to Vader, and he nodded. You had a double-bladed, red lightsaber, and once you got that nod of approval, you sprung into action. Unsheathing the two blades, you took off into a sprint; the two Jedi immediately revealing themselves while attempting to flee.
Perhaps they're not as dumb as you anticipated— they know they can't take on two, fully trained Sith Lords.

Vader watched in amusement as you extended your hands out; catching the two Jedi with your powerful force abilities. They stopped immediately; their mobility extremely limited.
You pulled them over with a small amount of effort.

Vader approached; anger burning from his force signature, "Jedi." That was all he said.

"Shall I kill them, Master?" you whispered, eyeing the two of them. Considering their position, they were both very brave. They hid their fear well, which would make it more satisfying to kill them.

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