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Today was Ladybug and Cat Noir starting live TV at the studio to play a mystery box game similar to the American show Jimmy Fallon. Alec was the host of TV and it was Ladybug's turn to guess what was in the box without looking.

"Ohhhh.... it feels slimy" She made a face feeling the salmon on the bread.

"Come on, milady. Don't be scared of slime" Cat Noir laughed and so did the audience.

"Could it be a squid?" She guessed, "No, could it be a fish? Ahhhh Salmon?"

"Correct! It's a salmon sandwich!" Alec said.

The audience clapped for her and Alec moved the mystery box aside for the next one for Cat Noir.

"If it's mice, it would be delicious," Cat Noir said and the audience laughed.

He reached in and felt something cold, "Brrrr, is it ice cream? What is this?" He kept touching.

Ladybug saw it was an ice sculpture of a cat, "Don't freeze, kitty" She laughed.

"Wait a minute, it's frozen and solid. Ice?" Cat Noir realized.

"More than that" Ladybug laughed at his reaction.

"Ummmm.... It's shaped like a cat?" He felt the ears.

"Correct!" Alec said.

The audience applauded and laughed at Cat Noir's reaction, "This kitty really needed to chill" He joked.

"My turn. Just don't get too many whiskers in your face, kitty" Ladybug said.

"You have no idea, Bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

They brought in the next item for Ladybug to touch, "Oh my god" Cat Noir pretends there's something gross but it's actually an alive mouse.

"It's something fluffy right?" Ladybug felt something, "Ahh!! It's alive!" She felt it move and Cat Noir laughed at her reaction.

"Is it a tarantula? If it is I'm gonna freak out! What is it?!" Ladybug shuddered.

"You gotta guess, milady" Cat Noir snickered that the mouse is tickling her fingers.

"Okay, ummmm.... is it a mouse?" She felt the tail.

The dinger dings for the correct answer and the audience applauded, "Well this is fun" Ladybug chuckled.

"And the final is both of you have to guess what's in the box," Alec said and brings the final mystery box and the audience saw its cute little black kittens wearing ladybug pattern shirts.

"Here we go, Kitty" Ladybug reached in.

"Ohhhh.... is it teddies?" Cat Noir wondered.

"It's alive!" Ladybug felt something move.

"And fluffy" Cat Noir said.

"Oh, It's kittens!" Cat Noir felt whiskers and looks inside, "With Ladybug shirts. Awww.....They are so adorable. Come to daddy" He picked one up and it meowed.

"It seems you still are a natural with babies still" Ladybug held one kitten.

"And cute little kittens" Cat Noir nuzzled on his kitten.

The audience applauded for the heroes and Alec thanked them for coming to the show.

"You're welcome, Alec. Cat Noir and I are honored to be here" Ladybug thanked him.

"It was fun playing the game," Cat Noir said.

"Meow" The kitten meowed and nuzzled on Cat Noir's hand.

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