Chapter 15: Dragons!

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Welcome to chapter 15 so sorry for the wait!

Start of recap...

"Yes Headmaster" she said smirking before Y/N approached her. "I want you to leave my family alone, I don't care what you say about me but don't you dare go after my Dad and Papa" she the 14 year old her eyes Turing Amber as she glared at the woman.

Said woman gulped fearful of the girl infront of her and nods her head, this made the girl smile innocently before saying goodbye to her family and walking back to Gryffindor Common room where her girlfriend and friends were waiting for her

End of recap...

Third person pov...

It has been a couple of days since Y/N punched Rita, since then the woman has stayed far away from the Werewolf, Y/Ns hand healed up nicely.

after that happened Ron and Harry haven't been friends which put a damper on Hermione and Y/Ns relationship, but the two girls didn't let the boys ruin it for them.

Currently the Werewolf was down by the black lake with her Godbrother and Nevile, she was sitting on a large rock and sketching, while Harry was reading and Nevile was standing in the water.

"Amazing. Amazing." Mumbles Neville, Harry looks up from his book, green eyes glaring "Neville! You're doing it again!" Exclaimed the boy, Neville gives him a sheepish look.

From the Rock Y/N rolls her eyes, she should probably be feeling alot more nervous as the first task is happening soon but she will find a way to get through it.

"Oh, right sorry." Says Neville he is holding something he found in the lake, Harrys goes back to reading a book. "Magical water plants  of the highland Lochs?" He questions out loud

  Neville answers him. "Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea." He says, he then looks up and waves. Hermione and Ron are walking up to them with Ginny following behind.

Y/N looks up a smile on her face as she sees her girlfriend walk up, the Werewolf the leaps of the rock and runs over ans hugs Hermione, the girl laughs ans hugs her back.

Hermione then whispers to Ron, her arm is still wrapped around Y/N "We've already been through enough people why don't you just go and do it yourself?" Ron gives her a look and she groans.

"Ughh. What do you want me to say again?" She askes, Y/N looks back at her Godbrother who shrugs his shoulders confused. Ron whispers some words to Hermione. It's clear Ron and Harry
               are not on speaking terms.

Hermione walks up to Harry, with Y/N still wrapped in her arms. "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told Parvati that Hagrid was looking you" she says Y/N raises an eyebrow.

Harry is Confused at what she said. " Is that right? Well....what?" He says looking at his best friend, by now Y/N had moved away from Hermione and went to grab her sketchbook she dropped.

Hermiones doesn't know what to say to that "Uhhh.." She walks back to Ron for more whispering and comes back. Y/N  watches it play out Hermione was struggling alot which wasn't like her.

"Dean was told by Parvati that...Please don't ask me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you. Both of you" she says this time looking at Y/N.

The Werewolfs eyes widen and pointed to herself as if to say 'me too'. Harry is now no longer confused and glares at Ron. "Well you can tell Ronald..."he barley gets a sentence out before Hermione yells "I'm NOT an owl!" She was annoyed by her best friends.

As the three leave Y/N and Harry the turn back to the lake not bothering tkcgo after them, Neville begins telling them about the book and Professor Moody.

Later that day...

Harry and Hagrid are walking through the dark forest with Y/N trailing behind them, she hated going into the Dark Forest when it wasn't the full moon.

"Did you bring your father's cloak like I asked you?" Asks the giant, Y/N and Harry look at each other before Harry nods. "Yeah I brought the cloak. Hagrid where are we going?" Asks Harry

But the giant continues walking not answering their questions. "you'll see soon enough. Pay attention this is important" Says Hagrid, Y/N looks around nervously. "What's with the flower?" She asks him trying to distract herself.

Harry the  pipes up "Hagrid have you combed your hair?" He asks, Hagrid is looking more dapper than usual and is carrying a big red flower. A blush is visible on his cheeks. "As a matter of fact I have. You might like to try the same thing now and again." Says Hagrid.

His jab about Harrys hair makes Y/N laugh, Harry looks back and glares at his Godsister who sticks her tongue out at him. Suddenly they hear animal noises.

Madame Maxime calls out to Hagrid, Harry and Y/N look at each other "Oh no" they mutter realising why Hagrid looks so dressed up. "Hagrid?" She calls again.

Hagird smiles then quickly remembers Y/N and Harry."Oh, the cloak. Put the cloak on." He tells them the two teens do as there told and hide under the clock just barely hiding both of them.

      "Bonsoir Olympe." Says Hagrid. Madame Maxine smiles at him. "Oh Hagrid. I thought you weren't coming,I thought perhaps... you had..." she says Hagrid smiles at her. "Couldn't forget you Olympe." He says.

 "What is it you want to show me? When we spoke earlier you sounded so exhilirated." Harry and Y/N arw grossed out and gag at what they hear.

"Even Papa and Dad aren't this bad" whispers Y/N, " You'll be glad you came. Trust me." Suddenly a dragon nearby gives a loud roar. Harry and Y/N jump scared.

"Holy shit!" Exclaims Y/N, her sensitive Werewolf hearing. Madame Maxine is happy to see them. "Ahh, c'est magnifique!" In an opening Y/N sees people are running about, dragons are roaring and breathing fire. " Can we get closer?" She asks and walks off.

Once she left Harry takes of the cloak. "Dragons? That's the first task? You're joking." He exclaims Y/N is shocked.

"We are so dead, Papa and Dad are not going to be happy" she says watching the Dragons breathe fire above them. "Come on Harry, Y/N. They're seriously misunderstood creatures." Hagrid says trying to lessen their nerves

A huge flame fires up. "Although, I have to admit that horntail is right nasty piece of work. Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him you know." Says the Giant.

Harry looks up at him annoyed look on his face. "Ron was here?" He asks. Hagrid nods his head "Oh sure. His brother Charlie helped bring him over from Romania. Didn't Ron tell you that?" Of course Hagrid doesn't know they aren't talking.

Harry shakes his head "No he didn't. He didn't tell me a thing." He admits, Y/N is still looking at the Dragons.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter so sorry for the wait!

Word count: 1220     

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