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after a STEAMY shower zayn led me to my new bedroom "do you like it? we decoorated it to suit your tastes" i stare at the posteres covering the wall from floor to ceilings in shock

after a STEAMY shower zayn led me to my new bedroom "do you like it? we decoorated it to suit your tastes" i stare at the posteres covering the wall from floor to ceilings in shock

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"......" he giggles at my silence, booting me into the rlom and scurrying on down to his own bedroom. i went to get dressed but then remembered i didn't have any more leggings or hoodies available to wear

i secured my towel, arond my body heading down the hall trying to figure iut wherr zayn went. suddenly a dore swung open. revealing niakl, he looked me over, disappointment written all on his face "why don't you shed the towle, and give us all somethign much much much much much much much much much much mubc more better to look at"

"i didn't bring ny laundry....this is all i have too wear :'(" he guffaws at me, snapping his fingers. two maids came out of his bedroom, "prep the limoscene, we're going to the mall!"

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at the mall the bois were swarmed by their fans who instntly recognized them, due to the fact that they did nothing to conceal there identities....and we also pulled up in a limo with their faces on the side

"girls, girls —and fellow man! please calm down" harry began speaking to the crowd, standing on my head & shoulders so he could tower above them "as you all see we are just like you, only better looking, more talented, and much much richer....we've come here today to give the girl i'm currently using as a step stool, a memorable experience like in any coming of age movie: a shopping montage—now please, disperse—and don't forgot to pick up our latest album mignight memmories available in stores and on all streaming platforms, we'll also be going on tour soon, so make sure you've got your tickets ;)"

just as harris intructed the crowd dispersed, and he stepped down from my head, receiving pats on the back from the other members who tagged along for the shopping mall journey.

"okay cori; let's get this party started!" niall grabbed me by the hand, leading me to the front doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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