Who did it

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There are hundreds of knights but only 7 where close to the king which where  me , Almond, kugami, monstro, Lanier, benzine and Zarman so me and Almond split up and interrogate one by one while Robyn attends to the king with an ancient remedy they remember from there home town called the Asclepius healing potion (The most well-known ancient Greek god of healing and a son of Apollo, Asclepius, is still widely associated with medical assistance) it is made with fresh herbs and spices. She uses basil leaves garlic cloves a tiny spoon full of white vinegar a large table spoon of honey and some herbal butterfly pea tea mixed together then the garlic after marinating for twenty minutes is removed and placed in a bowl , then the remedy is ready to drink. Robyn careful pores it down the king's throat and within two minutes the king awakens, not in the best of health but better than he was 2 minutes before hand, The nurses attend to his wounds using whiskey and stitches him up till he back to an ok health .

In the meantime Almond and Axel have interrogated everyone and are still no where with this investigation, they are notified by Rendol that the king has awakes and is well which puts a smile on Axels face "Ahh grate I must speak to the king at once and see what he remembers from his attacker." Rendol smiles "Of corse right this way.. I do hope you find out who did this to our beloved king." Rendol leads them to the king who is still being attended to but is alive and well at least "Our majesty sorry to impose but we need you to tell us all you remember about your attacker, so we can find and imprison them ASAP before there are more attacks on you, we assure you will be more guarded when in public from now on you will have at least 5 knights with you at all times along with your trusted knight Almost and your royal advisor Rendol I believe we can prevent you from future harm." The king smiles "Oh Axel you know we are friends you don't have to be so formal infront of me, I was attacked from behind I didn't see there face all I remember is red lace on there clothes, there voice was deep like a man's and there shoes where muddy as tho they where gardening or poor, they wore a dark green cloak and where knowledgeable of what they were doing I'm concerned it maybe someone close.." the king says worrying soon after Robyn enters the room " Axel look what I just bought from the market!" She says so excitedly  holding up a dark green cloak with red tassels the guards grab her almost immediately Robyn blurts out "hey what are you doing?! Axel what's wrong?" Axel looks in shock as says " that's the cloak that someone stabbed the king in but it wasn't you because you where with me when the stabbing happened so Guards please let her go. It's just a coincidence or someone set her up.." the room goes silent again you can see little bits of blood on the cloak the cloak is handed to the king .
The king sighs "I do not believe it was Robyn, no woman could do this to me they are weak and vulnerable however I do believe that if someone sold this to the market man George we have a lost them or on their tail if we can get a positive identity from George or even a description of the man who sold this to him to sell." Axel smirks to Robyn and says " fancy going back to the market Robyn" Robyn excitedly reply's back "Yes! More shopping!" They laugh and start there quest to the market to find George.

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