The kings "loyal" soldier

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Almond the kings 3rd in command knight follows after the king as he leaves there is a silence between Nemakari and Axel for a few moments they then get back to work. "Ok so I'm a well known knight around here but because you are new to protect you are you ok with going under a different name ? Just so that I can protect you easier?" Axel comments Nemakari smiles "of corse I'll happy go by a different name if it is to protect me." She says excitedly clasping her hands together infront of her "But what to change it to is the question." Axel looks pointedly trying to think "Oo I have an idea what about Rotkehlchen it means Robin in German" she smiles Axel looks at her with a grin " Robin is a cute name but how will you spell it Robyn with a Y or Robin with an I ?" She looks in surprise "Umm.. Robyn with a Y sounds cooler and I think suits me" Axel looks at Robyn and hugs he tight "it's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He says as he kisses her cheek. He then clicks back to focus *cough, cough*  "So we need to go to the market for food while we are there we can ask the locals for there stories on the beast." There is a loud knock on the door and screaming can be heard Axel opens the door to Almond "The king has been stabbed on the way back to the castle he is alive and being tended to but it's hard to tell what happened!"  Almond shouts gathering Axel and Robyn and taking them swiftly to the castle.

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