
Start from the beginning

The girl shook her head, "If they're back from their trip then they'd be at the hospital with Wren, not at the house. They won't leave his side."

This seemed to irritate Void. "Well, we can't just go walking through the hospital when Scott's mum works there, now, can we?"
Stopping to change direction, he sighed, "Alright, new plan. If they're at the hospital then we lay low at your house. We'll just have to hope they're not told right away. Fenris probably won't admit to something like this until he knows for sure that you're gone, anyway."

"Then what?"

"Tomorrow it starts," he answered. "But first, I need to get my hands on the Oni."

The Oni were demonic creatures who were clearly already under the control of someone to find the Nogitsune, so the girl wasn't too surprised to hear this. "Right. And how do you plan on doing that?"

This brought a grin to his face, "We go to the source."


Void had been sure to stop and grab the things that had been taken off of Stiles and Samara upon their arrival at Eichen House. This meant that Samara had her eyes and they didn't have to raise any suspicions by breaking a window.

Instinctively, Samara had also taken her gloves from the box. She couldn't fully comprehend why but she put them on. The only explanation she could come to was that even though Void had given her control, this used to be how she did that.

"Stiles has never been here," Void thought aloud as he walked into the house. 

"Stiles and I weren't really friendly for a while there," Samara informed him. "He accused me of murder a couple of times and some other things."

"Well, he wasn't completely wrong, now, was he? You did kill someone."

Samara immediately prickled, "That was an accident."

The girl stopped in the entryway as the Nogitsune closed and locked the door. She listened for a moment and when she was unable to hear talking, she assumed that she was correct and that her parents were at the hospital.  

The Nogitsune laughed, putting its hands up. "Don't worry, I'm not judging. In fact, I applaud you - it takes a lot to do something like that to family. It's what makes you strong, though, Samara."

"That moment had me scared nearly my entire life," she scoffed. 

The Nogitsune reached out and held her hand, removing the gloves that she had put on. After taking them off, he sat them on the side table. "You don't need these. Not anymore."

"I've never felt strong," she admitted to him. "Just afraid."

"Everyone is always so quick to assume that fear is a bad thing," the Nogitsune sighed as he walked over to her. "Fear is strength. Chaos is strength. Let me show you."

"How?" the girl asked, the idea of being able to turn years of pain into something better more than intriguing.

The creature wearing Stiles's face raised a hand and placed it on the girl's cheek. Even though she was currently relieved of her more weakening emotions thanks to Void, Samara could still feel a weight elevated from her.

Her whole life she had felt like she had a weight sitting on her chest. Each time she had to take from someone it felt like it continued to get heavier, slowly crushing and killing her. Part of her had just wished that it would; it felt easier than trying to fight it.

The veins along Void's hand and arm were black as he drew from the girl, taking a fraction of the pain she felt below the surface. He could feel how much remained and knew he had selected the right candidate to help him.

𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 • Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now