Murphy's Law Part 1

Start from the beginning

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It's been about 3 more days and I'm finally allowed to go outside now and take walks, but I still haven't been able to go out of the wall since most people have been busy. Jasper has been doing really well, he's always smiling and joking around, and he isn't traumatized from being speared. He can freely go outside the wall without extreme fear. Octavia and Jasper has finally found the time to go out with me, they both seemed a bit worried for me, probably thinking I was scared and traumatized. Jokes on them, I wasn't. I knew that this was just the way of the grounders, and that we were going to have to get used to it. Like, what would you do if people from the sky suddenly landed in your territory burning up your lawn and trees and shit.

We made it to the gate, and I stride out with confidence and no fear, while Jasper and Octavia follow behind me slightly concerned about my lack of fear. "Hey Y/n, are you sure your ok?" Octavia ask, while I'm busy scanning the ground so I can kick the knife away from sight. I look back at her as she catches up and is now in front of me while Jasper is at my side. "Yeah I'm perfectly fine, why?" I question her who then looks at me with slight confusion. "What? Did you think I'd be scared off by one spear to the chest? It was our own fault anyways, we landed in their backyard, burning up their lawn and shit and tried to go somewhere we aren't allowed. I don't blame them." They looked at me amazed with slight admiration while I walked ahead even more. I finally spotted them, the fingers and the knife. As they were running behind me to catch up again, I buried the knife with my foot while looking back at them so they dont see what I'm doing. I turn around as Octavia catches up again, Jasper is few feet behind her.  Octavia goes ahead of me, just to be snatched by that one whore and let out a scream. "Octavia?!" Jasper yells headed towards where she evaporated.

I follow acting concerned even though I already know it's just John Mbege. "Octavia, are you ok?" I call out, "Octavia?!" Jasper says as we approach the bush. "AHH" John yells as he pops out from behind the bush with Octavia. "Hey Jerk!" She yells as she pushed him away. "Get the hell out of here!" She says as she starts walking towards me and Jasper. Jasper just shakes his head and he starts heading back to the gate, I follow and Octavia says, "Jasper.. Y/n... come on theres nothing to be afraid of." Jasper then falls like he's supposed to as I try to catch him but can't and go down with him. We both land on the ground with a oomf face first into the dirt. "FUCK." I yell having not used my arms to catch myself in time. I sit up while Jasper and Octavia look to me. Octavia bends down and Jasper looks forward, seeing the fingers. He stares at them and then we see them as well. I hold my breath, hoping they wont find the knife. There is a long pause of silence, until Octavia goes and quickly picks up the fingers. As she's getting them, she is dangerously close to the knife. She stands up and looks back to us, She didn't see the knife. As Jasper helps me stand, we take one step, and Jasper steps on the knife. I look down horrified as he bends down and picks it up. We all look at each other, "Come on lets go." Octavia says as we rush into the camp. I follow scared out of my mind. Their gonna hang Murphy when he didn't even do anything wrong.

We swiftly walked into the tent, Clarke and Bellamy behind us. Octavia puts our findings on the table and everyone is quiet for a second before Clarke pick up the knife. I gulp, "This knife was made of metal from the dropship." She points out the obvious. Fuck. "What do you mean.." Jasper ask with fear in his eyes, not really wanting the answer. "Who else knows about this?" Bellamy questions, "No one, we brought it straight here." Octavia replies. "Clarke?" Jasper says looking to her. "It means the grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us." She looks around disgusted, her own words hitting her like a wave thats crashing down. Bellamy stares at her in deep thought. "So there's a murder in the camp?.." Jasper questions, "Yeah, there's more than one murder in this camp. This isn't news. we need to keep it quiet," Bellamy replies, while I look at Clarke in fear. She starts walking to the door, and Bellamy gets in her way while I grab her arm. "Get out of my way Bellamy." She says while trying to shrug off my grasp. I hold onto her tighter and she looks over slightly concerned. "Clarke.. if people know they'll-" I say so quietly that I dont think anyone besides Jasper who was right next to me heard. Clarke looks back to Bellamy as he speaks, "Be smart about this. Look what we've achieved, the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us." Clarke interrupts while tugging her arm out of my hold, "Oh good for you, you mean. What? Keep people afraid, and they'll work for you? Is that it?"

"Yeah, thats it, but it's good for all of us. Fear of the grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do, Just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward. You don't even know who's knife that is." I turn to face them ready to grab onto Clarke for dear life to stop her. "Oh really?" She challenges, "J.M, John Murphy.-" Shes about to continue when I interrupt, "Or John Mbege. Or anyone with those initials, or have you thought of this, WHAT IF SOMEONE STOLE THE KNIFE!" I say getting louder as I kept going. "Clarke, anyone could have taken it from anyone with those same initials." I try to reason. "Oh yeah? Well Murphy is the only one who ever got in a knife fight with him. The people have a right to know." She declares as she storms out of the tent. Me and Bellamy look at each other with wide eyes. 

We all rush out after her as she aggressively pushes Murphy. "You son of a bitch!" Clarke yells getting everyone's attention. Out of all the scenes in The 100, this was my least favorite. "What's your problem." Murphy questions seeming kind of amused unaware of whats coming. "Recognize this?." Clarke angrily questioned. I look over at Charlotte who's looking like a brick just hit her in the face. "That's my knife, where'd you find it?" Murphy asks while reaching for his knife. "Where you dropped it after you killed Wells!" Clarke accused. I smacked my hand to my face at how stupid shes being. "Where I what?" He ask, Bellamy crosses his arm over his chest not saying a word. "Clarke" I walk up to her and grab her arm, she glares at me and shakes my hand off. Murphy looks over for a second then back to Clarke, "the grounders killed Wells, not me." Clarke starts getting all up in his face while he backs away, his confidence from earlier vanishing realizing how serious this is. "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it." Clarke spat. "Really?" He looked over to me then to Bellamy, "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Bellamy just looked up not saying a thing. "You threated to kill him we all heard you. You hated Wells."  There was a large crowd around us now. "Plenty of people hated wells. His father was the chancellor that locked us up!" Murphy defended. "Yeah but your the only one that got in a knife fight with him!" Clarke screamed, "Yeah, and I didn't kill him then either." I looked to Octavia expecting her to say something about how he probably tried to kill me next, but she just stayed quiet. Weird. 

"This is bullshit." I said, my head lowered looking to the ground, all eyes were on me now. "Clarke. Everyone here hated Wells, even you." This struck something within her and she looked down for a second and then back to me as I continued. "Anyone, and I mean anyone. Could have stolen that knife. Their aren't just murders in this camp, their are thieves too." I said as I slightly glanced at Charlotte. "Everyone down here are criminals, anyone could have killed him." Clarke seemed to think about what I said for a second, while Murphy looked at me gratefully. Murphy then spoke, "This is ridiculous, like Y/n said. You know Clarke, I don't have to answer to you, I don't have to answer to anyone!" Murphy said walking away from Clarke. "Come again?" Said Bellamy doing his alfa wolf e boy thing again. I rolled my eyes and gave Bellamy a look. Murphy stared at him before going closer while asking, "Bellamy, look, I'm telling you man. I didn't do this." He stated firmly. "They found his fingers on the ground with your knife." Everyone was whispering now among themselves. Clarke then spoke up.

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Author Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the cliff hangerrr. I wanted to get everyone opinions on how this should go. Should Murphy be hung despite our Y/n's attempts to stop this? Should she be hung with him? Should she be able to cut him free or be held back by someone? and most of all if he is hung and goes into a flying rage against Charlotte. Should Y/n follow Murphy into banishment? Please let me know how you want this story to progress! Also another love interest Idea I have fore this book is Roan, I have a few ideas how this will go and I'm thinking about having a few different romances throughout the book, but I do really want there to be someone as her endgame. And for those of you who simp for mister dickhead don't worry there will be some xMurphy in this story. -3li

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