That made me smile

Like a real honest smile.

He was actually...funny?

Samaya soon came in with the refreshments and left but not before growling rather softly at my male guest.

Love you Samaya

"So what brings you here. I hope it's not a reward that you seek for bringing me home"

"What if it's a reward that I seek?"

"Well just so you know, I'm broke so I have no cash"

"I didn't peg you as a poor person"

"I know , because of this face of mine, people tend to think that I'm rich. It so tiring at times to have this face of a billionaire"

"Maybe I should make you my wife and reduce the heavy burdens that your face brings to you. You know, I'm quite attractive, according to the ladies and you being my wife would chase all unwantedales away"..

That made me laugh

"I don't even know who you are and here you are joking about us getting married".

"How could. I be so foolish. I should have started by introducing myself huh"

"Well that would be very helpful"

"Well I am...."

The door slammed open revealing a livid Bella

"You good for nothing son of rich bitch!"

And then Bella hit him across the face

Okay ,this development was unexpected

"You promised not to make my baby girl feel bad. I should have never set you on a blind date with her that day. Do you know how bad she felt when you said those hurtful words to her. So what ,you are stinking rich but that doesn't mean that we other poor people do t have the right to want happiness and you..."

"Umm Bella?"

"Don't worry Andrea, I'm going to hit some sense into him in a minute"

"Bella, he isn't the guy I was with during the blind date"I said as I tried to hold her so that she could stay still

Lucien in the other hand was trying hard to hold in his laugh

He found this whole situation funny

"You son of a .... You didn't even go to the date and let some random guy show up! I am so going to kill you"...,

"Bella I need you to calm down. Go take a walk outside then come back when your wolf is a bit calm okay "I said softly

She gave the guy, Lucien, a cold glare before leaving

"I'm pretty sure that she hates me right now"

"So you were supposed to be my blind date that day huh"

"I should apologize. You see , I was to come initially,but I got held up in my office and one of my cousins somehow got wind of it and so, he came to the venue without my knowledge

He said something about me not deserving any woman and that I am meant to die alone,so I'm sorry for what he might have said that day"

"Well this is another unexpected development "

I sighed as I went back to my seat

"I'm really sorry. I would have called but Bella blocked my number and I couldn't even apologize because I hadn't known who you are but as soon as I got your details,I was planning to rush here but then we met at the bar instead.

You were not sobber so that didn't count but here I am now trying to salvage the damage and problem I caused "

"You're such a sweetheart " I laughed it off because I was sure that he didn't know how much his words affected me

None of the males I've been with had ever done this before

They would either shift the blame to someone else or shift the blame on me so when he took the blame and apologized , that did something to me

"But for real, I am sorry for any damage or problem that Amy have risen that day"

"It's okay Lucien, it wasn't even your fault but if it helps ,you're forgiven"

"Oh good. That's a relief. Now if you don't mind can we start over again, as friends of course, I wouldn't want to complicate already complicated situations"

"How much did I say that night?"

"A lot for me to understand what is currently going on but ,you made me swear an oath of secrecy that night so don't worry your secrets are safe with me"

"So you know everything, about my ex mate and.."

"Everything "

"And you still chose to stay and approach me"

"Yes I did"

"But why"

"Because I know a rare diamond when I see one, otherwise,how would I become this rich",

"Lucien I..."

Suddenly, howls rented the air

What could be going on. Lucien noticed my state of panic and rushed towards me

"Relax, it's nothing to be worried about"

Several howls soon joined in

"Then why are they howling?"

"It's kind of pretty good new infact"

"What news?"

"The alpha has finally found and marked his Luna"

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