| What The Bright Eyes See |

Start from the beginning

"Yep, finally away from that hell place. You don't know the shit I've been through today, Leonardo."

He laughs, giving you one of his signature oh-ho-hos. "It's a small price to pay if you wanna survive in your small apartment. Y'know, there's other jobs."

"I swear, I'm so close to quitting. Don't tempt me," you scoffed and glided into your bedroom.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). You are way better than those assholes of co-workers," Leo says. You set your phone on the bedside table and started to strip off your sweaty clothes.

"Thanks, Lee. I needed to feed my ego today," you muffled as you lift your shirt off.

"No problem. I'll kick their butts any day!"

"I'm sure," you laughed before falling in the process of taking your pants off, stumbling, and losing balance.

Leo hears a thud and a small groan coming from the other end of the line. "You good there, (Y/N)?"

A sharp pain pricks in your gut and you inhale sharply. "Yeah, I'm just changing right now. Couldn't handle another minute in these jeans."

He gasps dramatically, "You're stripping your clothes off without me there?! Do you know how left out I feel right now?"

"Leo, you're never left out. Plus, I think I've had enough of you being clingy," you teased.

"Is that so? Then I guess you won't mind if I come over right now and watch. Maybe that'll make you feel better," he says lowly with a heavy chuckle, feeling yourself burn in heat in him doing so.

"Right, you mean to make you feel better? Not helping with my shitty mood, 'Nardo."

"Oh come on, I'm just teasing. I know what'll really make you feel better."

You grabbed a shirt off of the ground and pulled it over your head. "Oh really? Do tell."

"Movie night."

"Leo, we have movie nights every other day. What's the difference?" You exclaimed as you brought the phone back up to your ear again.

"Difference is, you're in need of hanging out with your best friend! Right. Now. There's no better way of fixing your problems than to hang with Neon Leon!"

You rolled your eyes at Leo's absurd reasoning. You stayed silent a while, however, and ponder over your decision. Having Leo over right now would ruin your evening plans. But Leo was like no other. He couldn't ruin your life even if he wanted to. You were comfortable enough around each other, his presence would be comforting right now.

"Fine. Movie night it is." You gave in.

You hear Leo laugh like a little mischievous schoolboy at the other end of the line. "I'll bring some movies over and you handle the smacks, 'kay? Promise you won't regret this!"

What could you possibly regret anyways?


A soft knock at the window was what woke you up from your deep slumber. You complained lowly as you left behind your mountain of blankets and pillows on your couch.

The only source of light came from the television that had stopped playing whatever it was you had picked before immediately falling asleep. The static of it could put you back into your coma. You felt your sore knees bump into the corners of the coffee table, making you curse under your breath.

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