"Bye!" I yell as I walk out.

Damon and I get in his car.
"So you know."
"You're a vampire." I whisper.
"Yup." He says starting to drive.

"So you're killing everyone." I say softly.
"No not everyone. I let some live. I feed on them, and make them forget."
"How do you do that?"
"Compulsion. I can make them do anything I want."
"Have you ever done that to me?" I ask. He smirks softly.

"No, I've tried. It doesn't work on you."
"What? Why not?"
"You probably have some vervain on you. And before you ask, vervain is a plant that is harmful to vampires. It hurts us and stops us from compelling them."

"How do you go out in the sun?" I ask. He sticks out his hand to show me his ring.
"It's a magic ring, it protects me." He explains. I nod slowly trying to process.

"Oh and garlic doesn't effect us." He says.
"I figured."

He stops infront of my house.
"Damon, can I ask you something?"
"Go for it."
"Why haven't you fed on me yet?"
"I like you. And once I start I won't be able to stop myself." He says.

I get out of the car.
"I have so many more questions, you should come in."
"Okay." He says following me in.

"Where's Matt?"
"Working." I say going to my room.

"Anything else I should know?"
"When you invite a vampire in, they can come in whenever. If you don't they can't step inside." He says looking around.

"Why are you here? If I could live for an eternity I'd go around the world, I'd never return to the first place I started."
"I have a plan. It's a huge, important plan."
"What is it?"
"I can't tell you."
"I could help."
"I work alone." He laughs.

"You've been gone for a while, Salvatore. The people here know me. You're still just the mysterious, hot older brother to everyone."
"Maybe that's why they like me." He says and I chuckle leaning back against my pillows.

"What's the plan have to do with?"
"A woman." He says. I instantly feel my heart break in two.

"Human?" I ask. He shakes his head smiling.
"Definitely not. She was an evil and selfish, vampire. But I have to do this." I nod.
"Well, if you need help in any way, I'm here. I mean it Damon."

"Goodnight El." He says before walking out.

I roll over and yell into my pillows.

I can't believe I allowed myself to like him. To think he might've liked me too.


I haven't really talked to Damon since he explained it to me, but he's cleared his tracks. A mountain lion accused of the deaths has been caught.

There's the founders day party I have to go to.

I change into a casual dress and go to the Lockwood house.

I see Stefan and Elena. I go up to them.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask.
"Right here." Caroline says behind me. I turn and see her with Damon. She has a scarf again.

I try to keep an eye on her.

Elena, Caroline, and I go to the bathroom together.

"Are you and Damon a thing?" I ask.
"I don't really know." She says.

I know Damon's just using her to feed and it's kinda upsetting.

"What's that?" Elena asks noticing a mark on her. Shit.
"Nothing." Caroline tries to lie. Elena moves the back of cover up and sees bruises.
"Is he hurting you?" Elena asks.
"No." Caroline says.

Elena storms out.

"I know." I say to her. "I know he's a vampire and he's feeding on you."
"He told me."
"Of course he did." She mutters.
"I'll make him stop. I'm make him leave you alone."
"I'll go talk to him now."

I walk out and look for him. I see Elena storm away from someone. It has to be him.

I walk over to him. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Damon." He turns to me.
"Hey El." He smiles.
"You need to stop feeding on Caroline."
"Yes, Elena noticed. She just threatened me."
"Damon, please. She's one of my bestfriends, just leave her alone."
"Hmm." He responds. I sigh and walk away.

I go to find Stefan.
"Stefan." I whisper seeing him alone.
"Okay, so long story short, I know about you and Damon. He's feeding on Caroline too much and you you need to do something to stop him."
"I've got it covered." He says holding up a drink.
"What's in that?"
"Vervain. It's for Caroline."
"That's so smart." I say smiling.

"Just go home cause once this is over there won't be anything to worry about." He says. I nod.
"Thank you."


There's a knock at my door. I open the door. It's Elena. She's crying.
"Elena?" I say getting up to hug her.

"He's a vampire." She cries. Oh shit.
"I know." I say.
"I can't be with him. I can't do it."
"He wouldn't hurt you." I say.

After a bit she's calmed down enough for us to talk about it.

"Stefan told me you knew. How long?" She asks.
"It wasn't confirmed until the night we had dinner at your house." I say.

"We can't tell anyone." She says.
"Not anyone." I agree.

"And if by any reason we tell someone it has to be approved by both of us." I say. She nods in agreement.

"Promise." She says.
"Pinky promise." We lock our pinkies.

Vervain {Damon Salvatore}Where stories live. Discover now