shiho took a deep breath and rolled over to the seat next to her as she dragged her near-empty bag of pretzels with her.

rui straightened his back, amused and he sat down next to tsukasa as he started bouncing on the seat like a little kid next to tenma.

"you're a twat, you know," tsukasa gritted his teeth. "i interrupted her sleep i feel like a bitch now.." he whined.

"too bad," rui played as he sipped his juice box.

this guy really is childish, tsukasa thought.

but he's still everything to me.


the 'gay gang' (what they call themselves satirically) were asking questions about each other. they could answer with.. a normal answer, "to be determined", or they just don't answer at all.

when it was airi's turn, she lightly tapped her chin until she thought of an idea. "oh!"

"ight. here's the big question, tsukasa," airi whistled.

"are you still an ally?" she asked.

the entire table went silent, waiting for his answer. thing is, tsukasa was never an ally. he just lied so his friendship with rui wouldn't go downhill, considering tenma thought rui would get the wrong idea.

he also didn't even know the answer himself. he swore he was still an ally.

or was he? tsukasa thought it was just really strong platonic feelings for rui, but he could be wrong.

"well?" airi smirked. "you're a little fruit bowl, tenma. answer."

he fidgeted with his hands. "i don't- it's complica..ted..." he trailed off as he had a little mini freak-out in his head.


"Erm..." airi scratched her head. "yeah, 'cuz that's, like, totally, completely crystal clear.."

the entire table was looking at tsukasa now. he put his elbows on the table, hands on his head, and he internally died as he dug his nails into his hair.

"uurrgghh.... YES, i'm still an ally." he groaned. he obviously didn't want to answer the question but he didn't want to seem like he was in denial. it really was complicated.



rui was a little surprised by tsukasa's response to airi's question.

"he's.. still an ally? is he lying?" rui whispered to shiho in confusion. she rolled her eyes and looked at tsukasa, "he probably is. just spend 5 minutes with him- he's the zestiest motherfucker ever."

"Tsukasa,, shiho and rui are talking about youuu!!!" gakupo snitched. shiho's eyes widened and she snapped her head around to face him.

she rolled her eyes at gakupo and flicked him on the forehead-REALLY hard- as shiho scoffed, "we weren't talking about you like, in a mean way. don't get the wrong idea."

꒷꒦▪︎꒱꒱ - "a message to you" ; ruikasaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz