" Oh I haven't done that yet," I shakes my head slightly as I laugh," I'd be taking my payment off your account by now if I did," I continue before I take a sip of my wine to hide my grin behind it.

James regards me silently as he walk closer to Wanda and take the phone off Wanda's hand, not until he open the dark brown leather case that I realized that he is holding my phone.

He looks down at the screen for a moment, I can easily tell he's reading the book quote I had for my lock screen from where I'm still sticking my feet on the ground. " The lovers aligned with the stars, stained by the burgundy of the maroon sky," marked with a red underline.

There's a flicker of light in his eyes right before he sigh out a subtle of breath and continue taking his phone out with another hand, my phone ding with the file he just send me right before he look up.
" Let me know if something up," James says as he handed my phone back to Wanda, and when I thought he was going to leave, he turn around at me, his face remain unreadable as he drags in a long, slow breath.

" You shouldn't stay here, it's not safe," James pauses and I chuckle as I look away, " I didn't realize my safety is in your concern," I say lazily as I look down to my feet," I'm more concern about my name if anything happened to you since I'm the last person your colleagues saw who you were last seen with tonight." He snarl before I turn to face him.
" Just say I've seen enough clients reports, most break in could hit the same place twice, more chances when you didn't report it to the police so you better out off here for awhile." James says more demanding, " Noted," I say as I roll my eyes away from him.

" And send me the bill for the damage from last night," He continues, taking me by surprise and against my better judgment I turn around, facing him with the look in his eyes completely captivates me." Deals are deal, take it as down payment for the video and that on going search into those websites you mentioned about," James says looking from my direction to Wanda as he reaches for his coat right before his phone buzzes again in his pocket.

" Will gladly to send it your way," I say with a grin on my face, James nods before he walks to the door and I can hear his footsteps fade as he rushes down the stairwell.

" Now what was that," Wanda's voice fills around my quiet room as she walks to stand next to me, I glance over her for a second before I walk away. " Yeah right," Wanda chuckles when I turn around to look at her, " What?" I sigh a rush of breath," How many years have I known you, and I still can't figure out what goes on inside your head," She crosses her arm over her chest as she stares at me, " What's that supposed to mean," I chuckle as I sink myself to the emerald velvet couch in my living room.

" I don't know Grace you tell me, because you seems different," Wanda laughs as she continue walking toward my kitchen," Well, we just got a big money client," I say, laying my back on the couch as I look up to the ceiling.
" Right, that's the one thing that made you cave in on him." She says with a laugh as she walks back to my mini bar with an empty glass in her hand, " What? No, I'm not," I say in defense, immediately roll to my side looking over her, " Yes you did," Wanda chuckles shortly,

" I mean seriously, this morning you seems really pissed off about him being the pain in your ass next thing I know you brought him here and somehow you two had a deal? which by the way I get it he seems irresistible," She shrug a shoulder right before I groan and I turn around on the couch, bury my face with one of the cushions.

" You know, you could've kicked him off the door after we showed him that video but instead you offered him to, " just leave this one out to me," and told him to trust you on it," Wanda grins playfully, lifting the cushions off from on top of my face as she leans forward from the back of my couch," Not to mention you're okay with him paying for the damage from last night," She says in whisper as she continue grinning.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now