5. To the Summit!

Start from the beginning

Mereoleona: "I thought you might have promise since you were the number two rookie, but apparently all of your accomplishments and exploits were completed with luck."

Mereoleona started walking away from Asta, but had a few words left to say.

Mereoleona: "Your luck is magnificent.  With that luck, you might be able to become Wizard King even if you can't climb this mountain."

Mereoleona: "If you get the point, go home."

Asta managed to gotten up and spoke his own words to Mereoleona to prove her wrong.

Asta: "I'm not going back." 

Astounded by this, Mereoleona stopped in her tracks.

Asta: "I... What we're striving for isn't something that can be obtained just by luck!"

Mereoleona: "Then go on and climb!"

An eruption of magma can be seen from the back of Asta as his newfound motivation stirred.

Asta: "I'll get to the top... Our dream is waiting for us at the top, beyond merit!"

(To Vergil)

In his Sin Devil Trigger, Vergil was flying with his wings, until he encountered a monster made of magma.  Surrounded by the magma monster was Leopold and the Crimson Lion Magic Knights.

Leopold: "Don't falter!  If we can't defeat something like this, we don't deserve to be Magic Knights!"

Vergil: (Demonic, Metallic Voice) "Blast!"

Vergil cuts the magma monster in two with his mirage edge. The magma monster was left unfazed and regenerated.

Vergil: (Demonic, Metallic Voice) "What an annoyance, I'll just have to blow you away with Beowulf!"

Vergil de-summoned his Mirage Edge and manifested Beowulf.

Vergil: (demonic, metallic voice) "Rest in Peace."

He lifts his right gauntlet to collect energy, punched the ground to release all of that built up energy to create a massive explosion.

Leopold, the other Crimson Lion Magic Knights, and Noelle were left in a state of shock. The sight of a demonic being with the essence of blue light was in their presence. The power radiating off of him was overwhelming, it was such a calm but frightening aura.

Vergil dispelled his Sin Devil Trigger, unknown magic circles formed across his body as he turned to his normal state.

Vergil: *sighs* "Disappointing, I expected better."

Thoughts - Leopold: ("So this is the power of the Black Bulls Vice Captain, it's so strong! No wonder the Wizard King made him into a Vice Captain!")

Thoughts - Noelle: ("This feeling, it's like Asta's black form but even more powerful...")

Vergil: "Each and every one of you seems to be quiet. Is there something wrong perhaps."

Noelle: "Nope! Nothing wrong, we're just shocked because of the way you destroyed that monster."

Vergil: "Ah I understand. After that little fight I had, every single one of you should hurry to get to the summit. I'll be waiting."

The Crimson Lion Magic Knights + Noelle + Leopold: "Understood!"

Vergil had a smirk on his face and tapped into his Sin Devil Trigger quickly. His wings were spread out and his feet was planted on the ground, he lifted his feet on the ground and launched upwards to fly away using his wings.

Asta (Black Form): *Screams*

Noelle: "Asta?"

Leopold: "But that form..."

Asta flew past the two individuals and kept going forwards.

Leopold: "Ha! That's my rival for you! So you've acquired a new power huh?"

Leopold pointed his finger to Asta.

Leopold: "That black aura... I shall dub you Black Asta!"

All of a sudden, Asta flew up above the stone wall.

Leopold: "Wait! Where are you going?"

Asta (Black Form): *Screams* "Hell if I know!"

Asta (Black Form): "Oh crap! I don't know how to stop!"

Asta (Black Form): "I seem to be heading toward the summit, but..."

A green aura was found infront of Asta, and was familiar by it.

Asta: "That's... Yuno!"

Asta went straight passed Yuno above. When he got above the small volcano, he was slowly approaching Vergil.

Asta: "He's pulling me to him?"

Asta panicked when he saw Vergil was in the way.

Asta: "P-Please run!"

Vergil who was infront of Asta was smirking behind his demonic features.

Vergil: (demonic, metallic voice) "Run? How foolish, it seems I'll have to show you my absolute power"

Vergil charged up his Beowulf gauntlet to power up his punch.

Vergil: (demonic, metallic voice): "Get ready, child."

As soon as Asta was in his range, Vergil punched his face into the rocky wall on the side of the lava.

Thoughts - Vergil: ("Good thing I had to drain the energy from the powered up Beowulf punch at the last second, that could've easily killed him.")

Captain Charlotte: "Impressive."

Captain Yami: "Well I'll be damned, my Vice Captain just smacked him like a fly with his gauntlet of his. Good thing it wasn't me."

Captain Yami: "But I'm still itching to know on how he did that midair."

Asta on the other hand, was in shambles but still in decent condition.

Thoughts - Asta (Black Asta): ("Man, that's the vice captain for sure.")

Vergil came down to Asta, to make sure he isn't injured or in a grave condition.

Vergil: (demonic, metallic voice) "It seems your alright Asta, make sure to control that new power up of yours. It's powerful, but you need to learn to use it to your will."

Asta: *stands up from the ground* "Yes Vice Captain!"

Vergil: "No need for formalities, you may call me by my proper name, V."

Asta: "Ah sorry Vic-, I mean V."

Thoughts - Asta: ("I couldn't control it very well, but I was able to use that power! I'm gonna get even stronger and pass that Royal Knight exam!")

(To be continued, Chapter 6 coming out soon!)

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