Y/n seemed to zone out in the silence that followed. I didn't want to push for too many details but this squad had clearly meant a lot to both y/n and Price, sort of their first family. I knew the feeling Soap and I had grown close along with Price and Ghost being more of mentors to me, 141 just felt like home. I couldn't begin to image what is must have been like for Apex's captain to loose his lover in the field but that thought made me realize something else entirely. Ghost, Soap and I had talked long into the night about y/n wondering who he was and what exactly his relationship was to Price before we had any details but it was clear was that both Soap and Ghost had taken a immediate "interest" into the young captain. I couldn't help but wonder how y/n would react especially now leading that he had to leave his last partner behind for dead.



"What do you think about Ghost and Soap?"

He paused for a moment sitting up and resting his arms on his knees. I just waited no wanting to rush the moment, I also promised not to say anything to either one of them.

"Well I don't know them very well yet but the sergeant seems friendly, always willing to put on a smile. I guess Soap has that effect on people, bringing out the best in us all. I like him he's going to be a good squad mate to have." Y/n smiled.

"And Ghost?" I asked.

"Ghost.....big guy, I definitely see why some people are terrified of him but I admire him for doing a good job in the field and from what I've been told he did well in Las Almas even saving Soap's life. Eventually I'd like to get to know him better and find out the story behind the mask but I'm just glad he's on our team."

I just nodded it had been less than two days since y/n and his squad had landed and probably too soon to ask if he had any feelings towards them. I didn't really care what any of them got into just as long as I didn't have to listen to it through the walls. Price and Laswell also didn't seem to care as long as the mission got done plus I had my own crush back in the police force so I understood the feeling.

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Sure. What's up?" Y/n responded.

"Are you scared for this mission? Makarov is dangerous and if I'm being honest I am worried that someone won't come back from this." I replied.

I had been on plenty of missions before where I could have easily been killed. Getting blown up, shot, run over, stabbed, hell I even fell out of a helicopter but something about Makarov seemed truly terrifying. Y/n just sat up rubbing the back of his neck and letting out a sigh.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. Missions always come with risks but in our line of work we have to accept those risks, I often worry about my squad mates getting killed or about Price but we can't let that stop us from doing what needs to be done, at the end of the day we all make sacrifices to keep the world safe and eventually we all run out of time but all that matter is what we do now, just live make the most out of life."

Y/n certainly was a good person to talk to and I was relaxed a bit more having him around and especially after our conversation. He was only a few years older than me but clearly had some serious experiences and I knew I would be able to talk to him if I needed. We continue to chat about past missions and fun memories with y/n even telling me some funny stories about Price while I told him about Las Almas and Amsterdam. We didn't realize how much time had past until a knock at the door startled us both.

"Come in." Y/n called. Price walked in still in his hat holding a steaming cup of something.

"What are you two up to?" He asked taking a spit from his mug.

"Just talking about you." Y/n grinned as I let a snort out.

"Right well Soap wants us to do gifts tonight since we have to be ready to leave by tomorrow night." Price said Rolling his eyes at y/n's comment.

"What?" Y/n asked confused standing up from the bed.

"Kate got word from Mexican Special Forces that the cartel are planning something likely involving Makarov." Price answered.

Y/n, Price and I just walked out and back into the half kitchen half lounge where everyone was gathered. Soap made everyone sit in a circle as he began to lead the group in the opening of presents. König had already gotten his but y/n and his squad also got 141 patches for their vests from Soap. Kate got a sweater, Price got new fancy cigars, I got a new hat, Soap got a knife and Ghost got new skeleton gloves. Everyone had a great time chatting into the night while Soap kept passing around cups of hot cider and hot chocolate. Eventually Kate had to break up the celebrations when she remembered we had to leave tomorrow night and head for Las Almas. Everyone said goodnight and headed down to their rooms to get some sleep before we would have to go back out into combat. I felt a little less nervous after my talk with y/n but something still left off about this mission, all I could do at the moment was try to get some sleep and let the feeing pass.

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