Dangerous (Part 1)

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Clarity's P.O.V

The only sound in the forest was my heavy breathing.

I had been too scared to move for the hours that had passed.

Suddenly I heard a tree branch snap not too far from where I was kneeling.

If Xavier found me I would have been fine with it, I just wanted a hot shower and a good night's sleep.

The footsteps became louder; interrupting my daydream.

I tried to blend into the trees as much as I could.

But that was useless as a man came into view, and his eyes landed on me.

"I found her!" He yelled.

As soon as he yelled that, a bunch of men appeared from behind him.

My eyes widened as the first guy to appear came closer to me.

"Who are you sweetheart?" He asked me softly, but I knew all this was a joke.

I didn't respond and my head wiped to the side. I realized he had slapped me.

He grabbed my chin making me face him.

"I won't ask again. Who. are. you?" He said with a low voice.

I refused to cry and show weakness to these men.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I brought my foot up to his manhood.

He groaned in pain, and fell to his knees beside me.

I tried to stand up, but he suddenly pushed me down by my shoulder. Hitting the floor hard I groaned.

"Take her to the alpha." He sais with a high voice. Trying to hold in his pain.

One of the other guys came and picked me up. I kicked at his back and screamed as loud as I could.

Maybe Xavier was looking for me, and he had heard. But right now all that seemed like a fantasy.

The guy holding me had knocked me out, because I had not stopped fighting him.

So when I awoke I was in a room, it was dirty and the only thing in the room was a bed and a mirrior.

This was probably where they held all their captives.

I saw myself from the mirrior, and saw the left side of my check bruised.

Ignoring it for now I went to the door. It was locked as expected.

I pounded on the door, yelling for help.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. I ran t the bed and sat down on it.

Not sure what to expect, I was surprised to see a little girl come into view.

She had to be about seven years old.

She came up to me with a sweet smile on her face. I smiled back and reached my hand out to her.

As soon as she was close enough she slapped me on the face.

"You're a dumbass." She said.

I looked at her surprised and she stuck her tongue out.

"My daddy said it would make me feel better if I hurt someone, so I did." She said grinning.

"What kind of sicko is your dad?" I asked rubbing my right cheek.

Great now I had both of them bruised.

She suddenly started crying.

"Daddy's not sick!" She squealed.

I tried to quiet her down, but she kept yelling those same words over and over again.

The door flew open and in came the same guy who had found me in the forest.

He had a dangerous look on his eyes. And it was directed right at me.


Hey, it's been a while.

I would just like to say that I think I want to delete this story.

I'm feeling uninspired and like this story isn't good enough.

But I'll just continue it to see how it goes.

It might not make it past chapter 10 but who know?

Bye lovelies ;-)

Oh and I started a new book called Desolate. Please give it a try.

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