Mate (part 1)

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"Uuuhh." I groaned and punched the alarm off.

When I say punch I literly mean I hit it as hard as I could, maybe that way it would shut the hell up forever.

I got up already dreading today, as much as I liked my friends I would not get up this early in the morning to get ready for a club we were gonna head to later.

But scince it was the last day of summer vacation I had no choice but to go, I would not want my last day to be a boring one.

As I got up to take a quick shower, I texted Riley, one of my friends to come pick me up in 30 minutes, and surprisingly he was a guy not a girl even if the name kinda sounded like a girl, and also yes surprisingly I didn't have a car.

It wasn't that my mom didn't want to buy me one, I just wanted to buy it by myself it would make me feel better that they hadn't wasted that much money for me, and I kinda liked to take matters into my own hands.

As I dressed for today and what would come, I quickly went to the backyard where we had a forest.

It may seem weird but werewolf actually existed, and I was one of them, I barley found out by my mother 2 years ago.


My mom wanted us to have normal life as possible, but than when age 16 hit it was unavoidable.

I had pitch black fur and bright green eyes, exactly the color of my hair and my eyes.

But I was way bigger than normal wolf's, my mom said it was the breed but I don't really know.

When I was done with my daily run I changed back to my human form and dressed quickly to my clothes and headed inside.

As I went inside I decided to stop for breakfast in the kitchen.

Since Riley never fed me.

He said only 'special' people could eat his food, and I hadn't reached that level of friendship apparently.

I got bread from the pantry, took out the ingredients for a sandwich and set to cooking.

After I was done I took a bite and groaned.

I heard a car horn from outside and looked out the window and realized Riley was their waiting.

I left with my sandwich on hand not being able to put it down as I took bite after bite.

When I opened the car door my sandwich was instantly stolen from my grip.

"Hey fatass what do you think your doing?" I asked as I took it from Riley who had taken it away from me and took a bite from it.

"It's just so good." He said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

I closed the car door and buckled my belt, "I know, but you don't get none anymore ever scince I was confiscated from your fridge."

"Aw come one can I atleast have another bite? I'll let you grab one soda can from the fridge but that's it."

He said as he started the car and we headed to his house.

"Fine, but you better have Dr.pepper in there or I'm punching you in the stomach so I can get my sandwich back." I warned as I handed him the last of my sandwich.

He grabbed the sandwich quickly and ate it all in one big bite, damn that guy could eat.

We parked infront of his house.

It was slightly bigger than mine and was gorgeous inside.

Probably because his mom was a magazine editor and knew everything there is to know about fashion.

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