Escape (part 1)

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We drove for half an hour.

I was in the back seat while, fortunately, Xavier was in the front.

This was the most long and hot ride I have ever been in.

I was sweating under this heavy sweater and I was so close to just taking off all my clothes and opening all the windows.

Xavier soon stopped in front of a big building, that could have passed for a hotel if it weren't so deserted.

Parking on the side of the building he got out without saying a word.

We had agreed over the car ride that there was no way I was going inside, so I decided to stay in the car.

I grinned, and glared at Xavier's disappearing from.

He was doing me a favor by leaving

When he was totally out of sight and I had waited a couple minutes, I opened the door to the car.

More like tried, the door was on child lock.

Cursing, I looked around the car.

Under the seat there was a car wrench.

I grabbed it with two hands, watching out for Xavier.

Swinging my arm back, I slammed the wrench into the window.

Glass shattered around me and I cringed back, covering my face.

Suddenly an alarm started going off in the car.

I quickly climbed through the window, not caring whether I got cut or not.

Running from the car I fell to the ground, cringing at the cut on my knee.


Turning my head, I saw Xavier slamming a door open and running after me.

Cursing I stood up, and stumbled my way out of the parking lot.

A growl came from behind me and I couldn't help but shiver at how feral the sound was.

I should be fearing for my life, because if he caught me it would not end good.


I know it's short and I haven't updated in.... forever!

But this is all I can do with testing in my school, and all this shit going on.

I'll try to update frequently.

I also want to thank all of the people who have voted and supported my story.

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