Part 10: The bridge

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Warnings: None

"Well, I'll see you guys in lesson tomorrow" I told them, standing up from my seat.
"You mean break right? your an ever Y/N" Hester reminded, an amused look on her face.
"Not anymore I'm not, I'm a never now" I teased, walking away before any of them could properly process what I had said.


Rolling over for the 20th time that night, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. Its not like this was unusual for you, it was just that this time instead of your thoughts keeping you awake, it was something else, someone else. It was as if she was haunting you. All throughout the day she had been invading your thoughts. No matter who you were with or where you were, you just kept thinking of her.

You knew it was highly inappropriate to have this many thoughts about your teacher, but you didn't even know why she was the one you were thinking of, or why you were thinking of anyone at all. You had always assured yourself that you would never let yourself fall into the silly delusions that the evers had, the ones where the first person they layed their eyes on, would be destined to be their one true love.

It was strange to you. You had barely even met the dean properly and yet just talking to her gave you butterflies and the smirk she gave you, it was like she knew exactly what was going through your head, and truthfully she didn't even look mad, she looked pleased almost. Though that was probably just your imagination.

You knew full well she would never like you. She's a teacher for god's sake. Despite you being 20, she is still a teacher and you a student.

You huffed and rolled over yet again. You began to grow sick of your own silly thoughts. Aware you needed at least some sleep to function the following day, but you also knew you wouldn't be able to sleep right now. Sighing, you sat up. Slipping on your shoes, you decided that you would go out to the bridge once again, it has become one of the few places here that provide you the peace you need.


As you entered out onto the cold stone bridge. You watched as the water around, rippled slightly}. It was beautiful. You remembered as a kid you would walk down to the forest just to sit by the lake. It was so peaceful there, it wasn't as chaotic and busy as the rest of gavaldon, it was finally quiet for once. You would sit and just think about anything, anything to make the time go by. You were always sad when you had to leave. Sad that you couldn't stay longer. Sad that the day didn't draw on like it normally would, like in the village.

You dreaded going back home, it was so exhausting being there. Having to be a whole different person to who you really was, just so you weren't yelled at for it. Your mother had always been a semi-strict woman. She was very cautious when it came to public appearances. She had befriended the majority of gavaldon be and so no matter where you went, even one step out of line and she would know. She always knew, and so you hid yourself from her, your real self.

Realising you had ventured into your past a little too much, you moved your attention back to your surroundings. It was only then that you noticed something. someone.

At the far end of the bridge you could see a figure, seeing as it was a tad bit lighter than the night before, the shadows didn't cover over the figure like it had the last time. Allowing you to see them this time.

At first you thought you were going mad or that you were imagining the whole thing due to your lack of decent sleep, but after a while of staring you could soon make out exactly who the figure was. It was lady lesso, foxy to you. You weren't exactly sure if she had even realised you staring at her. So you decided to go to her yourself. Walking to her, she still made no movement at all.

"Foxy?" You called over to her.
Only then did she move, stepping toward you, you could finally see her face clearly. Her hair was out of place slightly out of place at the back, due to having her head lent on a wall for so long.
"What are you doing just stood there?" You spoke again.
"I could ask you the same thing, you know you shouldn't be out here at this time of night" she returned.
"It's not like I was doing anything bad, Foxy"
"Don't call me that"
"Why, calling you 'Lady lesso' is boring"
She raised her brow at this, "And why is that?"
"Cause everybody else calls you that, even Princess and She's your partner" you answered, not realising the double meaning of the last of your response, but obviously she had. She tensed.
"My partner?"
"Yea, she's the dean of the school for good, your the dean for the school for evil" you watched as she visibly relaxed, which confused you until you realised.
"Oh shit. That sounded wrong didn't it. I wasn't implying that you and dovey were partners in a romantic sence. I meant it in a working sence. I promise." You reassured, scared of her reaction.
"It's fine reader. I realised what you meant after."
"Seriously reader? That's rude you know" you joked.
"I know" she shot back.
So, why were you just stood there in the dark?" You asked, changing the subject. The two of you starting to walk down the bridge.
"Well, I normally come here at night, but you being here the last two times, put a stop to that." She answered.
"But, why didn't you just tell me to leave or something?" You questioned.
"You looked rather upset and so I left you there" she responded truthfully.
"I thought you were meant to be evil, shouldn't you have yelled at me or something? I mean like you said I'm not really supposed to be here"
"I'm evil yes, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be nice every once in a while, and anyway you were crying."
"Oh you saw that? great now she thinks I'm stupid for crying"
"Yes I did though I don't care."
The two of you grew silent.
"Do you ever cry?"
"No of course not, I'm the dean of the school for evil I can't be seen crying"
You looked at her unconvinced by her answer.
"Not even under the pressure of running a whole school?"
"Yes" she spoke quickly.
"Oh, okay" you said.
"Why were you crying yesterday?" Lesso inquired, breaking the silence that had followed your answer.
"Oh it's nothing, I wasn't really crying" you dismissed.
"Yes you were, you seemed rather upset about it"
"I'm fine. Nothing was bothering me. I wasn't crying, okay?"
"Whatever you say. Reader" lesso joked, lightening the mood instantly.
"Foxy." You joked back.
You laughed lightly. Causing lesso to let out a small laugh aswell. That in turn sending you both into hysterics.
After a while you both realised what was happening and grew silent again.
"I should probably head back to my room." You reluctantly affirmed.
"Yes, I think so."
"Good night, foxy"
"Good night, reader"


AN: I apologise for not uploading in awhile, but I'm back now so I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I made this one longer to make up for it :)

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