Part 9: The New never

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Warning:Swearing, mind control

"So what if she sees, she's not even here?"I asked,it's not like she'll kill him, she'll probably just laugh at the ever, she's not even here anyway
"Yea but if I do that and all the students start fighting she'll be pretty pissed, she'll probably send me to the doom room!" The wolf-Boy rambled on, you thought to yourself about what would convince him, when you came up with an idea...

•-----------------3rd person-----------------•

"Hort, can you look at me for a second" Y/N asked, calm.
Hort, confused, complied with her request, looking directly into her eyes.
He froze. His eyes grew cold and empty, now shining an emerald-like colour
"Now Hort, I dare you to slap an ever" She repeated the dare, the girls sat uneasy and confused over Hort's current state.
"Yes, ma'am" Hort spoke. turning on his heels and walking straight to the main table of evers.
"What'd you do to him?"Anadil asked.
"Just a little trick I've learned, don't worry he's fine" Y/N reassured them.

Watching, they saw as Hort slapped a blonde princess, Beatrice. She gasped, standing out of her chair, she raised her hand high, but Just as she did, the deafening clicking of heels was heard, followed by a large thud.
All heads snapped to face the door, where the dean of evil herself was seen storming into the hall, cane in hand, and marched straight over to the wolf-boy,

"Hort, did you not listen in that damn assembly, you know your not allowed to hit the evers anymore!" She roared, the boy just stood with the same empty look from before.
"Are you even listening to me!"she spoke once again, becoming far more agitated by the boys silence. Instead of answering the redhead, the boy walked straight past her and towards the new reader.

"Thank you Hort, your service is done" Y/N spoke, waving a hand over his eyes, And just like that the boy was back to his normal state and completely unaware of what had just happened. Lesso watched this whole encounter puzzled, she was aware Y/N was powerful yes, but she couldn't possibly believe that she, the reader, had the ability to control the mind of the boy beside her.

"Reader!"she yelled, slamming her cane on the stone floor. This drew the attention of the new table of friends, the young woman stood, giving her friends a nod of reassurance before walking to the woman.
"Yes foxy?"She asked the redhead.
"What did you do to that boy?" The dean questioned, pushing back the proud smile that threatened to creep onto her features.
"Oh that, it's just a little trick I've taught myself, that's all" Y/N replied, smirking slightly at the older woman.
"How exactly does a reader like you, manage to control someone's mind?" Lesso inquired, the question directed more to herself rather than the younger woman.
"I don't know really" Y/N answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Yes, well ensure it doesn't happen again reader, you are my new student afterall and I would hate to have to send you to the doom room so early" The dean remarked, spinning the cane slightly, in her hands.
"Oh I'm sure you would, foxy" Y/N teased, nodding at the woman before heading back to her table, missing the small flush appearing on the evil dean's face.

•-----------------Y/N's POV-----------------•

Sitting back down at the table, I took in the looks of shock on my friends' faces.
"What's with the look?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"How the fuck did you not just die!?" Hester yelled
"What do you mean die, I'm perfectly fine?" I inquired.
"Exactly, lesso would have killed any of us, or even sent us to the doom room!" Anadil spoke.
"Especially a reader!" Dot added.
"How the hell did you get her to smile!"Hort whisper-yelled, pointing to the dean.
Looking over my shoulder I saw the smile on the woman's face, it was a beautiful, she was beautiful.
Without even knowing I began to stare at the woman, and she too looked at me, winking at me before she left the dinner hall. The action causing a small smirk to creep onto my face.

"Y/N!" Hester yelled.
I spun around to see all eyes were now on me.
"What?" I spoke hesitantly, startled by the girl.
"Are you okay?" Anadil asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I reassured them.
"If you say so" Hort said, unconvinced by your answer.
Just as he finished talking, the sound of ringing flooded the students' ears.
"Well, I'll see you guys in lesson tomorrow" I told them, standing up from my seat.
"You mean break? your an ever Y/N" Hester reminded, an amused look on her face.
"Not anymore I'm not, I'm a never now" I teased, walking away before any of them could properly process what I had said.


A/N: I'm sorry for the time this chapter took to come out, I've just been swamped with school and so chapter uploads will be put out, whenever I have time.

Another thing is that I want to say thank you for the 1.5k reads on this story<333

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