Part 2: The good professor

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Recap: "I beg your pardon, you really are a never!" the blonde shrieked. That was when you realised that you had actually said it aloud, But you quickly forgot about that as you began to think about what blondie called you.
"A what?"
They all looked at you like you were stupid.
"Nevers and evers,how do you not know?"
"Maybe she's the new reader"a girl prompted.
"It's fine we'll just get dovey to sort it out"Another spoke.
"Ugh fine then"the blonde huffed.
And with that All of them walked away,leaving you with more questions than before.


"What the hell is a neve-"You were interrupted by a small tug on your arm. You look down and see that there is some sort of pixie like creature attempting to pull you in the direction of the castle. Out of pure curiosity you decide to follow the fairy like being. You were dragged through a set of double doors,down numerous endless corridors and eventually into a large golden pair of doors.The small creatures pulled open the doors and shoved you inside,almost falling over.
"I thought fairies were supposed to be gentle"you screamed.
"Oh yes sorry about that dear".
You jumped at the sudden appearance of another's voice.Your head shot around,scanning the room for the whereabouts of the voices owner. On the other side of the room you spot a blonde woman clad in a golden gown and a matching tiara atop of her head,she wore a sickly sweet smile on her soft face.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you"
"Who are you,and where am i?"
"I'm professor dovey,the dean of the school for good"She beamed,accentuating her words with her hands.
"The school for good- wait,Mrs deauville was right?"
The dean looked at you with a raised brow.
"Mrs deauville, she told me about this place, she said that this is where fairytales are made."you spoke,wonder and awe evident on your face.

The woman smiled at your reaction,she had always loved having new readers,seeing the look of awe on their faces,But one particular reader came to her mind when she saw you,Leonora lesso. When she first joined the school,lesso was as always,arrogant and sarcastic,but only on occasion she would have a look,a look of nothing but fascination and wonder for the magic this fairytale land bestowed upon all of them.
But that was before rafal.
Ever since that look,that shine in her eyes,that was gone,leaving nothing but anger and resentment.

Dovey quickly regained her composure from her thoughts,wiping the tears which threated to fall from her eyes.She turned her attention to you,seeing as you were stood gazing around the room,she didn't feel as embarrassed for loosing control of her train of thoughts.

"It is indeed my dear,this school has made every single fairytale story"
"Wait,but then why am I hear then?"
"You're here because you have been chosen to be this year's reader,To fulfill your story to become a princess"she beamed.
"Me A princess,yea no thanks"you laughed at the woman,a hint of annoyance in your voice.
"Of course you do,it really is spectacular,you get a castle and a prince or knight to save you!"
"I don't need a knight or a prince,I can protect myself"you snapped. You saw the woman's smile falter,only for a moment and her sickly sweet smile was back.
"Well let's at least get you ready then,shall we?"She turned and rails of dresses wheeled into the room,all bright and vivid colours,ranging from blinding golds to berry pinks,every design different from the others. They were all beautiful,but really not to your taste. The blonde seemed quite proud with her display. After a while of the woman's pleads and begs,you finally gave in and picked a dress.

The dress:

"You truly do look like a princess Y/N!""I know,Its absolutely awful"you spat"I'm really starting to think she's a a never"the professor thought

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"You truly do look like a princess Y/N!"
"I know,Its absolutely awful"you spat
"I'm really starting to think she's a a never"the professor thought.
"Oh well let's gets going then!"


You were guided to a large hall,it was split in two,one side dark and morbid the other elegant and bright. You had started to notice that, everything was split,good and evil,light and dark.But unlike the hall and castles,the one thing you saw that wasn't split was the students. Villain and princesses fill both side of the room,a few evil in good's side and a few good in evil's side.

"All right you can sit down in an empty spot,whichever side"the dean spoke. Without another word you went and sat down in an empty seat,said seat was that on the right side of the hall. The never side.

Belong Together (Lady Lesso x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora