More Tribes

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By Wild101Life


Description: Horns size can vary but generally slightly curves upward with stripes. Large to medium ears. The Head has a mask or skull-like structure on its face. No Mimicwing is ever seen without it. A tail fin that curves outward then outward. Only one single spike on the snout. Smooth scales. No wings.

->Tail fin can vary in shape but has a two-tone coloration with occasional patterns.

->Unique and random patterns of spirals, stripes, spots, and swirls.

->Take after the mother's colorations with shading can vary.

->Acient Mimicwings are toothless, with no exceptions. Modern Mimicwings have teeth.

Abilities: Take after their father's abilities with exception of breathing underwater or learned skills. Tails tend to glow or change colors when mimicking

-> Modern = Despite losing the ability to Mimic solely by touch. They have better control over their abilities. It is also believed that some are considered stronger compared to their ancestors.

-> Ancient = Mimic other tribes' abilities, such as fire/ice breathing, and summoning the elements. Individuals of a certain tribe will have a stronger and longer-lasting Mimiking ability if from the same tribe.

->->Ex. Mimicking with a rainwing bloodline can camouflage longer when touching a Rainwing.

-> Size reflects the father's tribe

Ability (Mimic) Mode:

->Ancient = Faint outline of wings of the tribe they are currently mimicking. Tail glows.

->Modern = Tail glows when using the abilities that they inherit from their father. However, the faint wing outline has been making a comeback.

Ability Stage (Dragonets 3-9): When the ability to Mimic starts to appear. This stage can be considered unstable until the age of 10.

->Modern - Is believed to have more unstable and unpredictable compared to Ancient.

Royalty: First and Last ruler was Queen Belief.

-> Now they follow any tribe Royal that is their parents.

Culture/Religion: (Ancient) Mimicwings have always been flexible in terms of religion and culture as they arranged marriage at hatching with other tribes. However, unlike the Wildwings, any offspring of an outsider bloodline will be hatched and raised in the tribe and not the outsider parent.

->Modern - Tend follows the parent's tribes' culture, which means can vary.

How Mimicwings Return from Extinction:

Shadowwings managed to save the last Mimicwing egg. He was named Era and lived with the Shadowwings. Once he died from an illness, four scales were saved.

->As a result of this good deed. The Deathwings (Hyenadude) used those four scales as a fail-safe and kept the DNA hidden.

->10,000s A.S. The first Mimicwings were hatched in 10 A.S. The Dragonets had one thing in common. One of their parents was a Holder.

->The fail-safe is located where life/death and time/space could not reach. Thus, Holders being cursed with that in mind has the fail-safe.

Mix-Breeds: There are no natural hybrids as the DNA naturally was unbalanced before going extinct.

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