Chapter 16

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Picture comes from Happy Color, edits by Wild101Life. This is Calamitous, human form.

POV: Grove, Mudwing of the Wolfwing Tribe

The day, well night was not supposed to end like this. Ever since Snow's dream, she has been depressed, which was reasonable for everything she dealt with. However, it was not until tonight that the Angel finally opened up about what happened.

Russet Cedar's "Grove" was in a trance as she spoke about her world. It was filled with the Elements that connect or bond with certain creatures. Overall, the whole thing sounded like a fairy tale came to life. Snow commented the same about our world.

The Mudwing hate to admit that he was a bit jealous of the Griffin, but was happy to know that Snow was never alone. The Angel was beloved by her older brother, her mate, and her friends. It was cruel that it was taken from the Angel.

Zagi, Dara, and Grove all lost track of the time as Snow's told stories. The sun was about an hour away from coming up as the other wolfwings guards started to get to work. Snow sang a very strange lullaby and chaos followed.

It was almost as if the lullaby was a beacon of some kind.

The dark brown Mudwing remembered seeing Snow starting to glow right before it happened. No one knew if it was coming from herself or the sun's reflection bouncing off her white fur. That was our first mistake as every guard watched Snow.

No one saw the fireballs coming before it was too late. All they could do was dodge the incoming flaming balls of death as they appeared to follow their targets.

"AHHHHH" Someone howled in pain.

Grove did not even think about the consequence before running to the Wolfwing in need. The ground started to become hotter as the fireballs came from the shadows of the forest. Smoke started to fill the air making it harder to breathe and see.

Everything was an awful sight as the fire showed no sign of stopping.

The Mudwing finally found the Wolfwing by a couple of burning tents. He looked left and right, looking for something to help his fellow packmate. However, it appeared that many of the supplies were catching fire.

*I guess there is a peak having scales for once.* Grove thought with a fear of losing someone.

"Hold on," Grove called out to the fur dragon, who was now no longer moving. He feared the worst and quickly turned around, but a black figure stood in his way. The Mudwing could not tell who it was as it smile within the fire.

"I thought you needed some help." It was Zagi's voice as thunder came from the sky with rain.

Grove only nodded as he turned back to the Wolfwing. The fur was unnaturally black, and spots of fur were missing. This did not look good as the fire continued to spread.

"At this rate, the whole pack is going to fall," Zagi called out to Grove. "The rain is not enough or working. We need to get to a water source."

The delta felt the burnt Wolfwing and knew it was too late, but maybe not for the others. Grove turned to look at Zagi as smoke filled his senses. The scales might shield him for a time from the flames, but not the smoke.

The smoke covered his yellow eyes and nose. It appeared that Zagi was starting to feel its effects as well as he stumbled forward. Everything felt wrong about this fire. It was not natural as if it was ...

*It's being controlled.* The Mudwing thought with a puzzled expression trying to remain conscience. Grove was doing his best to remain standing but fell to the ground with a thud. It was only then that the brown dragon caught a glimpse of Zagi's struggles as well. It was only a matter of time before the smoke had done its job.

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