Chapter 14

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Template by Doorstepghost

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Template by Doorstepghost

POV: Unknown

(Reminder that Wolfwings belong to Dragoner Rider)

Forestry landscapes appeared right before their eyes. The trees were tall, and either had dark brown to white bark. The leaves on the trees were of every color, which meant autumn was approaching fast. There were odd markings that decorated serval large stones and tapestries. The sky was blocked by the canopy but there was a warmth coming from the sky.

A clearing of what appeared as a meadow held a castle that both stand out while keeping to the theme of the forest surrounding it. It was almost as if the creatures lived in harmony with the nature around it.

The castle had an earthy color to it, while vines were crawling up the wall they bore yellow, blue, and red flowers. The roofs of the castle matched the flowers nicely. Overall, the building looked as if the Earth had created itself.

Getting a closer look, more buildings nicely blend into the forest.

The buildings ranged from being in the trees, in the trees, next to a giant stone, and a few on the meadow. They were the only ones that stood out clearly but were mainly made of stone and clay. It was like the creatures tried their best to ensure nothing was wasted and everything was made with care.

Suddenly, the view shifted from the meadow to what looked like the castle's garden. There were five buildings in the garden but all were built in, around, or on giant rocks. They were too made of clay or earthy color stones.

The paths of the garden were a mix of grass and stones. The garden itself was outlined with slightly bigger stones to keep creatures from walking on the flowers. However, there were not only flowers but fruits and vegetables. It was not clear if these creatures were herbivores, carnivores, or perhaps omnivores.

Going back the stones that outline the path were the only things that had outrageous colors. However, it flatted the plants next to it. The painted stones were reds, blues, purples, yellows, and oranges. All bright colors could not be mistaken for being there. They also bore designs of pawprints, wolves, celestial bodies, and animals.

At the center of the garden held a fountain, but it was more like a pond as it held no bearer besides the colorful stones that marked it. The water was very blue with a few algae on the surface. Too much would cause the creatures in the pond to die, but no algae would result in the same. This was a perfect balance and looked well-maintained.

Movement caught the eye of the viewer.

A tan dragon with black horns, white spines on the back, and purple feathery wings that lightened in color at the tips were playing with fire. It looked like she was all alone as no one else appeared with her.

There was something odd about the Mudwing as it played with the fire. She was not practicing controlling it or being a troublemaker as the little odd light blue flame never caught anything else ablaze. Another peculiar thing was that the dragon appeared to create more fire from her claws than her mouth.

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